Friday 5 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 005 - Vignesh.R

The cops arrested Nisha and Irfan. They both were taken in a police van to some place. Both Nisha and Irfan had no idea of what was going on. There were four guards with them. Nisha and Irfan’s hand was in the handcuffs. The driver was going too fast, suddenly a lorry came and hit the police van. The police van fell down from the bridge. People inside the van were injured. A group of people with guns in their hands. They went near the van. They found Nisha and Irfan completely injured and they took them.
Saravanan sitting in a sofa started to explain Vignesh what was happening in the city. Saravanan with a sad slow voice “Mr. Vignesh, we are called as SCID, secret crime investigation department, I am Saravanan, chief investigator and these guys are the agents, we work together for the safety of the people.” Vignesh believed him.
Ashkar asked “ Why you want us to help you?”
Saravanan answered “ Because the person whom we are going to fight against is very dangerous.” Vignesh and Ashkar’s face changed, suddenly Saravanan received a call. He attended it. In call “ Sir, our agents Nisha and Irfan is missing.”
Saravanan kept the call with a slight upset. Vignesh watched that and asked “ What happened?”
Saravanan said “ Two of our agents got kidnapped.”
Ashkar said “ Can we help you to find them?”  He was eager to work with the team. Saravanan refused shaking his heads. Ashkar asked “ Why what happened?”
Saravanan said “ We have some other business in Mumbai.” He ordered the agents to inform this news to Redhood. Saravanan said “ Inform this news to Redhood, he will definitely help Nisha.”
Vignesh asked “ Is Redhood working with you? I want to see him. I am his fan.”
Ashkar said “ Yeah me too.”
Saravanan replied “ Not now, this is not the right time.” Saravanan wore his shoe and said “ Come along with me.”
Kothandaraman was sleeping in his bed with tears in his eyes. He thought the girl whom he loved, betrayed him.
At Chennai, Kothandaraman was studying twelth in  St.Lucius matriculation school, his friend Vinoth was also studying with him. They both were always together. Their life was fully funfilled in the daytime like playing Cricket, roaming with friends, dating girls etc. But at the night, they were helping people as Redhood. They were saving the people of Kolathur from the local Don, Kathiresan.
Kathiresan and his four men planned to kidnap three girls for illegal activities. They went near a ladies hostel of an IT company. They saw tow girls returning from their job.
Kathiresan said to his men “ We have only two here, we need one more, you take care of these two, me and Esakki will search for another girl.”
Kathiresan and Esakki went to a colony. There lots of children were playing. Nisha was sitting in a chair texting with friends. Kathiresan to Esakki        “ What about that girl?”
Esakki said “ She looks younger, she might be a school girl.”
Kathiresan said “ They have a good market value.”
They waited for a long time so that the crowd gets cleared. Nisha was alone sitting in the colony park. The watchman came and asked “ Time to close, what are you doing alone?”
Nisha replied “ I am waiting for my father.” The watchman leaves the park. Kathiresan and Esakki went near to Nisha. She got frightened. They kept the hands on her, she started shouting “ Leave me, somebody help.”
She hit them with a big stone which she took from the ground. She started running, they chased her. It was completely dark in the street. She was running and they were chasing. Other men of the gang joined them. Finally they catched her. A sword came from somewhere and cut the hand which was holding Nisha, another sword came and cut the another hand of him. He started shouting.
Kathiresan shouted “ Hey you Redhood, come in front of me and fight with me.” Suddenly, an arrow entered into Esakki’s leg, he shouted, Redhood was standing behind Kathiresan. He turned around with fear. He took his knife with fear and started to fight with Redhood. He , the Redhood was well trained.
Redhood while fighting “ Do you think you can defeat me?”
Kathiresan accepted his defeat and surrendered himself. The police came and arrested them. The Redhood was watching all these from the top of the building. Suddenly , he saw Nisha, he fell in love with her.
Nisha was dropped by the police in her house at Sastri Nagar, Redhood followed her and found her house.
Nisha was going to buy milk. Kothandaraman and Vinoth were standing near the shop eating Idly. Nisha came near the shop and was standing the line to buy milk. An old lady asked to Vinoth “ The Idly shop is two shops away from here, why are you eating the Idly here?”
Vinoth said “ You old lady,  I am a cancer patient, my doctor said that if I eat Idly near the milk shop, I will get cured.”
The old lady surprised and asked “ What else did the Doctor say?”
Vinoth said “ If anybody asks more than two questions to me, they will also get cancer.” The old lady walks silently from there. Nisha bought the milk and was walking in the street, Kothandaraman was following her. She found out that he was following her. Vinoth to Kothandaraman “ I think she found out that you are following her.”
Nisha came towards them and asked “ Who are you both and why are you following me?” Kothandaraman with a cute smile and innocent look in his face “ Actually Nisha..” Nisha broke and asked “ How do you know my name?”
They didn’t know what to answer. Suddenly Kothandaraman got an idea and said “ Yesterday, I saw it on News.” Nish was little upset after hearing that. She started walking. They followed her. Nisha stopped and asked “ What do you want now?”
Kothandaraman proposed her “ I love you, that’s it.”
Nisha surprised and asked “ But.. But.. What do you know about me? How can you love an unknown girl?
Kothandaraman replied energetically “ Why not, when I was born, at the first second, I didn’t know what is the meaning of mother, but from the first second I saw her eyes I loved her. After 17 years, the same reaction took place in my eyes and heart when I saw you. That means I am in love with you. Love at first sight is pure as the love of a child who see his mother for the first time.”
Vinoth was shocked to see his friend speaking this amazing dialogues. Nisha saod “ I am impressed with your answer, but I am in love with another person.”
Vinoth ran way from that place shouting “ Kothandaraman TATA.”
Kothandaraman asked “ May I know whom you love?”
Nisha said “ Why should I say that to you?”
Kothandaraman said with sadness on his face “ Just to know, how far he is better than me.”
Nisha said “ He is far better than you, not only you also from everyone in this planet. The redhood, I love him.”
Kothandaraman felt happy from innerside, but he doesn’t show that in his face. He went from that place without speaking a single word. After leaving the street, he started like a mad boy.
The Maths teacher just left the class.  Kothandaraman and his gang was discussing what to do next.
Nithin said “ Why don’t you tell her that you are the Redhood?”
Vinoth said “ That doesn’t seems right.”
Nithya said “ You are a superhero Kothandaraman, most of the girls love you as Redhood, the same way she is also loving you, our classmate Meenakshi loves you as a Redhood because you help people, but she knows that she cant marry redhood so she is loving Kaushik , her area guy.The same way, Nisha can also love you.”
Kothandaraman said “ I don’t know how I am going to impress her?”
Priya said “  I have an idea.”
Nithin asked “ What idea?”
Priya said “ Kidnap.”
Nisha was drinking coffee in the shop. She saw Kothandaraman and his friend Nithin running and coming towards her.
Kothandaraman shouted “ Nisha, we need your help. The local gangsters kidnapped my friends. Please ask your boyfriend Redhood to help us.”
Nisha said “ What ? How could I ? I know him but he doesn’t know me.”
Kothandaraman said “ You said that you love him.”
Nisha said “ You idiot, you only said love at first sight is pure, my love also came from first sight. I love him and tonight I am going to propose him.”
Nithin said “ Then who will save my friends from the gangsters?”
Nisha said “ Tonight while proposing Redhood, I will talk about it.”
Kothandaraman said “ Are we waiting for lunch token or what, we are here to ask help from a person whom the Chennai city thinks as the hero.”
Nisha answered angrily “ Not only you, there are lots of people who needs his help, he have helped a lots, he will also rescue your friends.”
Nisha left that place. Nithin went near the ears of Kothandaraman and said
“ What are you going to do next?”
Kothandaraman said “ Tonight there will be fight opposite to Nisha’s home.” Nithin in doubt asked “ Who is going to fight with you?”
Kothandaraman said “ Call our team.”
Nisha was sitting near the window and reading book. She heard sound of a fight. She looked through the window. Her mouths opened. It was Redhood fighting with four masked guys. They were Vinoth, Nithin, Nithya and Priya. But Nisha had no idea, she thought it was a real fight.
Kothandaraman caught Nithya’s hand and asked “ Where are the people you kidnapped?”
Nithya with pain shouted “Ask to our leader?” She pointed Nithin. Nithin’s mindvoice was “ Come to school tomorrow, I will put sand in your sandwich.”
The Redhood ran towards Nithin and punched him on the face. Nithin shouted “ I don’t know, I work for money, ask that lady?” He pointed Priya. She tried to point Vinoth, immediately Vinoth knelt down and said “ I am finished,I surrender.”
Priya said “ Yes yes, we will release them.” They all ran from the place.
Redhood was walking on the street to reach his bike. Nisha shouted from the back,
“ Sir, please wait, sir”. Redhood stopped.
Redhood with bold voice “ Who are you, what do you want?”
Nisha said politely “ Sir, I am Nisha, one of the girls you saved two nights before. Thank you.”
Redhood said “ Welcome, anything else?”
Nisha said “ Nothing Sir. I just wanted to thank you, that’s all. Bye sir. You are like a God to me.”
Kothandaraman was little upset from in and he was thinking “ Why she didn’t propose me, whether she loves me as Kothandaraman or she just wants to ignore love from her life. Anyway I will love Nisha.”
Redhood took his bike and left the place.
The next morning at the classroom, Vinoth and Nithin were sitting near to KothandaRaman.
Kothandaraman said “ She doesn’t proposed me.”
Vinoth asked “ Why?”
Kothandaraman said “ I don’t know.”
Nithin said “ Only a girl knows about a girl, wait I will ask Priya.”
Nithin called Priya by throwing a piece of paper on her. Priya from her bench asked “ What?”
Nithin said “ Open the paper which I thrown.”
She opened the paper and read “ She doesn’t propose him.”
Priya said “ We will talk about this later.”
At lunch break, Kothandaraman, Vinoth, Nithin, Priya and Nithya were having lunch together.
Priya said “ I think she is in love with you.”
Nithin said “ How do you say that?”
Nithya said “ She got an opportunity to meet Redhood, the person who saved her and yet she she doesn’t propose him.”
Kothandaraman said “ Maybe she was afraid to propose me.”
Vinoth asked “ Why she would be afraid of you?”
Kothandaraman answered “ I am Redhood, there is no guaranteed life for me, I may be killed by someone someday, so she may be afraid of her future.”
Priya said “ Do you remember the way you proposed her as Kothandaraman? You compared her with your mother. That attracts every women, she might have impressed, she may be in love with you.”
Nithin said “ Yes, she talked about that when we went to see her at the cafeteria.”
Kothandaraman said “ She may choose Kothandaraman instead of Redhood, because life with Redhood is impossible, I must stop being the Redhood.”
Each of his friends shocked. Vinoth shouted “ You idiot, you are giving up your city for just a girl.”
Nithya said “ You are under confusion, if you love her truly, just go and propose her and tell her the truth who you are, if you are willing to.”
Everyone agreed with Nithya’s point. Nithin said “ She is one of us, so if we know your secret,then she must also know your secret.”
Nisha was waiting outside to see Kothandaraman. His friends asked him to talk to her. Nisha and Kothandaraman were walking together. They were waiting how to start the conversation.
Nisha said “ I want to tell you something.”
Kothandaraman smiled and said “ Yeah.”
She asked “ Are your friends who were kidnapped are safe?”
He answered “ yeah , they were saved by your boyfriend.”
She said “ lol, He is not my boyfriend, he is a God to me,that’s all, I will pray him, worship him, but how can I marry a god who protects people.”
His face turned sad and said “ Don’t you like him?”
She said “I like him, but not as life partner,  I would have proposed him, if you haven’t proposed me, even though if I proposed him, he would have rejected me, the way you proposed me was awesome, I discussed about your proposal with my mother, she said you are the best kind of human, she asked me to keep an eye on you, I spied you, you are a good human by heart, I know about your friends, Nithin, Vinoth, Nithya and Priya. So I thought to accept your proposal. I love you.”
He said “ Nothing enetered into my ears, all I understood is you love me.”
She smiled and said “ Yes, I love you. And I brought your favourite ice cream with me for you.” He took that cake and asked “ How do you know it?”
She said “ I already said I spied on you.” He said “ You are a good spy, you must become a police officer.” Nisha smiled.
Kothandaraman received a call from Vinoth. He attended it, Vinoth on phone “ What she said?”
Kothandaraman said “ She accepted my proposal and I am not going to tell her that I am redood.” He cuts the phone. Nisha asked “ I know your life only till the evening, I don’t know how you spend your nights.”
Kothandaraman said with a smiling face “ Do you want to know that?”
Nisha laughs. They both started laughing.
Kothandaraman woke up from his bed. He got 24 missed calls from Vinoth. He opened the door. He saw Vinoth sleeping on the entrance. He woke him up and asked “ What happened, why are you sleeping here?”
Vinoth said “ What , was I sleeping? Oh no, yesterday night I got a message that someone kidnapped Nisha and her team mate. We have to save her.”
Kothandaraman said “ This might be another plan to make confirm that I am the Redhood or not.”
Vinoth said “ She is not a criminal, she is a spy, working for SCID, she has been kidnapped by some anti national group. The inspector Govind who arrested them works for that anti nationalist group, yesterday night I enquired hima sthe redhood to collect the information. Nisha is in serious trouble.”
Kothandaraman said “ ok I will help you finding her, not as her lover, as a redhood.”
Vinoth said “ OK, I will track her location with the help of  Nithya.”
Kothandaraman said “ I will get ready for the fight.”
He goes to his room, Vinoth leaves the place. Kothandaraman took his weapons with him.
He took his bike and went in search of Nisha.

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