Thursday 18 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 10- season finale

The place was full of guns and bombs. There were lots of men working with the terrorist gang. They called themselves as “ Freedom warriors.” The team leader Danish and his worker Sofiyaan were discussing something seriously.
Sofiyaan said “ Sir SCID knows our location, just got information from our men in it.” Danish looked at him and asked “ How do they know?”
Sofiyaan said “ Don’t know, they may have got information from Karthik.”
Danish said “ No, he wont , even he don’t know our location, someone from here is working for them now.”
Sofiyaan shocked and asked “ What, a traitor in our side. Oh no who it will be?” Danish went and took his weapon and said “ We don’t have enough time to find him, we have to escape from here before they come.”
Sofiyaan too takes his weapon and said to all his men “ Lets fight for our freedom.” Everyone took the gun in their hands. SCID members reached the spot.
Kothandaraman received a call from Vinoth, he was busy so he didn’t attend the call. Redhood, Nisha and Sivaprakash were present in a van.Sivaprakash took a device which looked like a mosquito.
Nisha asked “ What is this?”
Sivaprakash answered “ It is a mosquito cam, it wan fly and rotate 360 degree and can provide me every details about what is happening inside.”
Redhood said “ You are cool, man.”
Saravanan came inside the van and said “ Guys be ready, Sivaprakash can we send the mosquitoes in.”
Sivaprakash said “ Yes they are ready.” He pressed the switch and nearly 100 mosquitoes enetered the terrorist building. They were reading every floor and the SCID known their every plan.
                   Danish came to meet some people. Vignesh, who is not the speed god was standing there, he came and asked “ Are you ready to do whatever we ask you to do?”
Vignesh said “ Yes, I am in need of money, so I am ready to do whatever you ask me to do?”
Sofiyaan came with a suitcase and gave it to Vignesh and said “ Just take it with you and keep it in different locations which we say after you left the place.”
Vignesh thought for a minute what to do, he was not ready. Sofiyaan went near him and said “ Do you want to save your father from cancer, then you need a lots of money and we are ready to provide you that much money.”
Vignesh took the suitcase with him. He kept the bomb in different places. His face was recorded in many cameras. The places started to blast one by one. In next day news, it was full of tears.
Vignesh went to meet Danish and asked money. Danish gave a hug and said “ Well done, Vignesh.” He called Sofiyaan and asked him to bring the money. They gave him the money. Vignesh went to his house with the money bag. He saw the news showing his face. The police tried to catch him. He ran and went to Sofiyaan’s place.
Vignesh said “ The police is trying to catch me.”
Sofiyaan said “ Ok I will arrange a place for you to hide, don’t worry.”
After few days, a guy looking like Vignesh was roaming in the street, suddenly the terrorists found him.
Vignesh said “ He will die as me, I need your help Sofiyaan.”
Sofiyaan said “ OK .”
Vignesh emotionally said “ I don’t know how I am going to convince my father.”
Sofiyaan said “ We will take care of him.”
The Inspector Khalidas was incharge of the Vignesh case, the other speedster Vignesh faced an accident.
Vignesh, the speedster Vignesh, was admitted in the hospital by a group of people. The doctor came and asked to the people “ What happened to him?”
One of the people said “ We don’t know who he is? We found him on the streets dying, so we brought him here.”
They took him to the operation zone. The operation continued. Few hours later, Vignesh woke up. A doctor named Khalidas came towards and said “Hello, I am Khalidas, a Doctor in this hospital. What is your name?”
Vignesh replied very tired “ I don’t remember anything.”
The doctor went from there. He informed the nurse “ He don’t remember anything, please inform about him to the police. They will get him to his family.”
The nurse informed the police. Two constables arrived at the hospital for the enquiry. A constable went inside the operation theatre, there he saw Vignesh and shocked. He ran out and informed another constable that Vignesh is inside. They both informed the Inspector , a team of Police came to the hospital. They arrested Vignesh and took him to the hospital. On the way, the media came.
Inspector Charlie said “ We found the man who was responsible for the serial blast in Mumbai. He is the man. His name is Vignesh.” The whole media took the videos and photo of Vignesh.
They took Vignesh inside the police van. The Doctor, Khalidas ran towards the van and stopped the police and said “ Sir, though he is a criminal, you cannot investigate him. He lost his memories. He is useless.”
Inspector Charlie asked “ Do anyone else know that he lost his memory?”
Khalidas said “ No”. Charlie looked happy and said “ Then with the help of him, I am going to find the remaining criminals.Please don’t say about this to anyone Doctor.”
Khalidas said “OK Sure.”
The police took him with them. Suddenly there was an accident, they took Vignesh by killing the inspector.
 Vignesh was kidnapped by a terrorist group which was attacking Mumbai for few months. Vignesh was surprised to see a guy looking like him. The guy came towards him and said “ you look exactly like me.”
Vignesh, the terrorist, asked “ What is your name and where are you from?”
The speedster Vignesh replied “ I don’t remember anything about me.”
The terrorist Vignesh looked very happy and said “ From now, you are Vignesh. You will live my life.” He took a chain from his neck and put it on his neck. Then he took a gun and pointed at him and said “ You will die as me.”
Vignesh’s father came there and shouted “ So it is true, you are a terrorist.”
Vignesh said in anger “ Father what are you doing here?”
His father said “ I am not alone, I am with the police. They surrounded this place. Just get surrendered my son.” Vignesh had no other option, he was not able to murder a person in front of his father.
  He just knelt down and said to his father that “ All I did was just to save you father, they threatened me that they will kill you, so only I did all this.”
His father cried “ Oh my son, just tell the cops who are they, they will protect you.”
Suddenly, they heard firing sounds outside. The terrorist gang started attack on the police. Vignesh took his father and started running from that place. He saw the speedster Vignesh who was not able to move. He just left him and ran from that place. The terrorist group took speedster Vignesh, thinking him as the Vignesh they needed. They took him to meet Sofiyaan and Danish.
Sofiyaan said “ Your father is the main reason for this, just go and kill him.”
Vignesh, the speedster, went with them, there they saw Vignesh committed suicide. Then the terrorists who were present there came to know that the person with them is not Vignesh, they decided to kill him, but he escaped using his power, from then he lived as the son of the real Vignesh’s father.
In the court they proved that the person who died is responsible for this attack, Vignesh was released. But still some people had a wromg view on him. So he decided to leave Mumbai. He was using his speed to help people. One day , he made decision of leaving Mumbai, then only Saravanan found him and then he joined the Squad.
Saravanan asked “ Is anyone other than the terrorist is inside?”
Sivaprakash said “ No one, then shall we blast this place.” Redhood shocked “ What?” Sivaprakash said “ We cant do that, if we attack this place, the nearby areas will be affected too.”
Redhood said “ Lets take care of them.” The whole SCID entered inside the spot, it was completely firing and fighting.
Saravanan found Danish, Danish was sitting in a Sofa. Danish said “ Hello Saravanan, its good to see you.” Saravanan ran towards him with an angry face.
Sivaprakash was instructing the Redhood and Nisha. They both teamed up and started the hunting the terrorists one by one. A guy shot Nisha on the shoulder, Redhood cut his fingers. Redhood to Nisha “ Are you ok Nisha?”
Nisha said “ Yes I am.” He carried her on the shoulder and he was fighting everyone who was coming in his way.
Sivaprakash saw a bomb in the video. He said “ Redhood there is a bomb in the building.”
Redhood decided to leave the room with Nisha. The SCID killed almost all the terrorists.
Saravanan was fighting with Danish, suddenly Sofiyaan came and hit him on the back. He fell unconscious. Sofiyaan said “ The bomb is going to explode within a minute, we have to leave this place.”
Danish said “ If we go outside they will arrest us or they will kill us. So we shall die here with Saravanan.”
Sivaprakash said “ Saravanan is still inside but we have only five seconds left.” Kothandaraman shouted “ Oh no.”  The building in which Saravanan was present exploded, suddenly the world went slow. Everything was slow, the speedgod reached there in time, he took Saravanan and Danish with him, he locked Danish. Sofiyaan died inside the building.
Michael to Speed God “ You were right in time to the party.”
In the news, the SCID saved Mumbai city from the terrorists.
At the SCID, Kothandaraman and Nisha tried to kiss, suddenly Vignesh ran fast and took him with him.    ( see you on season 2)