Wednesday 10 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 007 - R.Vignesh

Karthik was arrested and kept in prison of SCID. The Secret Crime Investigation Department was the most safest place in India. Saravanan went inside the room where Karthik was kept under custody. Karthik was seeing Saravanan angrily and asked “ Are you here for enquiring me?”
Saravanan replied “ No.”
Karthik said “ Then why the hell are you here?”
Saravanan said “ To say that you are going to die tonight.”
Karthik laughed and said “ That wont happen, I will be out of here before that happens, I worked here for many years, I know every place here, I know where the camera is, so it is for me to escape from here.”
Saravanan took his gun and kept on his forehead. Karthik smiled and said “Do you think I will be afraid of dying, we are ready to lose our lives to make this world a better place to live.”
Saravanan said “ I have seen a lots of people saying this dialogue to me, I challenge you that by tonight you will be dead.” He left the room.
Vignesh reached Bangalore. He changed his costume and went to Praveen’s house. He knocked the door. An old lady opened the door.
Vignesh asked “ Is Praveen here?”
Old lady said “ He is not in the town, he went to Germany for his research work.”
Vignesh replied “ Thank you madam, Do you have any contact number of him?”
The old  lady took her phone and gave him Praveen’s number. Vignesh called him. He didn’t pick the call.
Vignesh to the old lady “ Thank you Madam.” He left the place with disappointment.
Kothandaraman  found that they are going to kill Karthik, he went to talk to Saravanan. He saw Michael on the way, Michael stopped him and asked “ Where are you going in a hurry?”
Kothandaraman said “ I want to meet Saravanan.”
Michael said “ He is in block 7.” Kothandaraman went to block 7. Saravanan was searching in internet about the terrorists who were arrested few months ago. Kothandaraman went and asked “ Is killing a person easy for you?”
Saravanan asked “ What are you talking about?”
Kothandaraman said “ Are you going to kill Michael tonight?”
Saravanan said silently in his ears “ It is not true, I lied to him, I know that he has the capability to escape from this place, we trained him, after knowing that I will kill him tonight he will definitely try to escape from this place, we will follow him and find the location of the terrorists.”
Kothandaraman said “ The idea is good, but don’t you think he will be aware of this.”
Saravanan said “ Lets hope for the best.” Kothandaraman moved from there. On the way, Michael came and asked “ Don’t you like killing?”
Kothandaraman said “ Killing is not the right way to provide justice to something.” Michael saw him with a smiling face.
Nisha’s van reached SCID. She came to see Kothandaraman.
Nisha said “ Hey, I am sorry for whatever I did?”
Kothandaraman said “ I don’t need your sorry, I want some answers and truth, actually who are you?”
At Nisha’s home, everyone was very upset about the missing girl. Her brother Karan came to home after searching for her and said “ I searched all the places she is missing.” Nisha’s mother started crying.
Her father Devaraj, with tears in his eyes said “ Shall we give a police complaint?”
Karan said “ yes, we can.” He got a phone call from his friend, he said
“ Your sister is in television.” Then they turned on the tv, it was Nisha she said
 “ They tried to kidnap us, but the Redhood saves us from them.”
Someone knocked the door, Karan opened the door, it was Nisha , they were happy to see her.
Nisha continued her flashback, “ Then you came to me and proposed me, my father saw you proposing me, he asked me about that, I said that I don’t know you, you were just following me. The day you came as Redhood and fought in front of my house, my father saw you removing your mask from his window.”
Devaraj to Nisha “ Do you know who Redhood is?”
Nisha said “ Why are you asking like that dad, I don’t know.”
Devaraj said “ Hmm.” He went from there.
Nisha continued her flashback “ To pay my educational fees, my father started to steal the houses with the help of some local gangsters, but you were always a trouble for him, he was very angry on you, at that time I didn’t know that you were Redhood and he was a thief.”
Devaraj asked “ Are you in friendship with that guy Kothandaraman?”
Nisha said “ No dad why?”
Devaraj said “ Never ever talk to him, your life will be in risk.”
Nisha said “ Why dad, what happened?”
Devaraj said “ He is the redhood.”
Suddenly, police came into their house and arrested Devaraj. His team mates decided to help themselves to escape from the police, so they created an accident and killed Devaraj.
Nisha continued “ My brother worked for SCID, he too knows that you are Redhood, my father said to him too. He said that nation is under threat, they needed your help. I was not interested to involve you in this, all I wanted is live ahappy life with you, one day my brother died in a blast. I got Job in SCID, I saw many people die in that attacks by terrorist, so decided to include you in the team too.”
Kothandaraman with slight tears asked “ Who were the guys kidnapped you?”
Nisha said “ Me and my brother decided to take revenge on my father’s death, so we killed the gangsters who killed our father, but we failed, so they are trying to kill me.”
Suddenly, Vignesh reached the SCID and said “ Sorry guys, Praveen is out of town, sorry, out of country, and Nisha I heard that they are trying to kill you, lets take the revenge as a team.”
Kothandaraman said “ But before that we have to fight the terrorists.”.
Saravanan said “ Vignesh is right, we must learn to fight with unity, so this will be a warm up for us.”
Vignesh said “That’s nice to hear.”
Kothandaraman said “ I will do anything for my love.”
Ashkar comes in and said “ Don’t forget me, I am also a part of the team.”
Nisha said “ Ashkar, you cant participate without training.”
Ashkar became sad and said “ Oh no.”
     To be continued....

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