Thursday 25 May 2017

MR.STEIN Chapter 004- R.Vignesh

Kaushik, the redhood, entered the hospital. He walked very slowly to check what is happening in the hospital. Suddenly two nurses walked together, he hided. They went to the rest room. He started to walk. He saw Francis talking with few of his men. He heard him saying “ Kill every evidence and make everything clear.”
Kaushik got doubt on them, so he decided to follow them. They took a car, he followed them.
Praveen was reading the book about Albert Einstein. The house calling bell was ringing continuously. He closed his book and went to open the door. As soon as he opened it, a girl jumped on him and started kissing him. He thrown her and asked “ Who the hell are you?”
She stood and said “ Hey, did you forget me? I am Akshatha, your girl friend.”
Praveen said “ What I have a girl friend?”
Akshatha said “ Yes, I proposed you, as soon as I proposed you, you said ok to me.”
Praveen said “ Do you know about me completely?”
Akshatha said “ Yes, you have short term memory loss, I promised that I will bring you a cure.”
Praveen said “ What do you have a cure for me?”
Akshatha took a box from her bag. She opened it and took an injection and said “ This can bring your old memories back, but it will work for only one day, I am working on it to bring your memories back permanently.”
Praveen said “ That’s awesome, you are great.” He went near her and hugged her.
Vastsa was talking with Meena. They both were discussing seriously the girl found dead.
Meena said “ Be safe, the leader must kill you.”
Vastsa said “ Already, they will be on their way.”
Meena said “ Try to leave this place as soon as possible.”
Vastsa said “ Ok, what are you going to do with that guy, Praveen?”
Meena said “ The same test we did on the girl who is dead.”
Vastsa said “ Ok I am leaving, where is my money?”
Meena gave him some money. Vastsa left the place smiling. He recorded whatever he spoke with Meena. He left the hotel. He went to his house.
He walked inside the house. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He then came out and started walking to his bed room. He said “ Honey I am back.”
In the bed, there was a girl with burnt skin. He went to her said “ I am doing things to take revenge of the people who did this to you.”
She said “ Thank you Wolfie.”
Praveen said “ I am ready to inject this medicine.”
Akshatha prayed and said “ Praveen, this may create more pain, you have to bear it.”
Praveen said “ Ok,I am ready.” She injects it by closing her eyes. The medicine enters his brain. He falls unconscious.
Akshatha started shouting “ Praveen, what happened?”

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