Friday 19 May 2017

MR.STEIN - Chapter 001: R.Vignesh

Today was Kaushik’s birthday. Kaushik, he is a billionare, age 18, a teenage funfilled boy, he has a friend named Praveen. They both are best friends. Praveen came in his cycle to his birthday party. When he tried to open the gate, the watchman came and said “ Stop, who are you?”
Praveen looked at him, the other watchman came and said “ He is Praveen, Kaushik’s friend.”
The watchman opened the gate and asked “ Sorry.” The other watchman asked “ You are a friend of a billionare but you are coming in a cycle, why?”
Praveen said “ Because, I don’t know to ride bike or car.” He just walked into the bungalow saying that. He went inside.
Miss. Mary came with a cup of coffee and gave it to Praveen. She was 80 years old. She said “ Welcome Praveen.” He took the coffee and said “ Thank you.” He was watching his watch and asked “ Can you take me to any room?”
Mary said “ Yes sure.” She took him with her, suddenly an alarm sound came from Praveen’s watch.
Mary said “ What happened?”
 Praveen asked “ Where am I ?”
He forgot what he was doing here. Mary said “ Mr. Praveen, you are here to attend Kaushik’s birthday.”
Praveen asked  “ Where is he now?”
Mary said “ He is in his room.”
Praveen said “ Take me there.”
They went to his room , it was closed. Praveen said “ Ok I will take care, you can go.”
Mary said “ Ok.” She leaves.
Praveen opened the door, he was shocked. He saw Kaushik kissing a girl.Kaushik also shocked to see him. Praveen said “ You idiot, you said that you will always remain single, now who is she?”
Kaushik trying to convince said “ She is my girl friend, her name is Meena, she is daughter of temple Gurukal, we met few months back.”
Praveen was seeing his watch. It showed two minutes left. Kaushik too seen that. Meena asked “ Is that your friend Praveen?”
Kaushik said “ Yes, he is my friend Praveen, he is a science student, but he have short term memory loss, he remembers only ten minutes, again it starts from the beginning.”
After two minutes, Praveen asked “ Hey Kaushik, where are we? Who is she?”
Meena looked at him terribly. Kaushik said “ Hey we are here to celebrate my birthday, and I brought you here to introduce my girlfriend.”
Praveen hit Kaushik on his face and said “You idiot, you said that you will always remain single, now who is she?”
Kaushik said “She is my girl friend, her name is Meena, she is daughter of temple Gurukal, we met few months back.”
Meena silently said “ Oh not again.”
Mary came there and said “ Kaushik, everyone is waiting for you down, please come and join the party.”
Kaushik said “ Yes we are coming.”
Praveen said “ Mary, is there coffee down?”
Mary said “ Yes.”
Praveen said “ Then lets go.”
Meena stopped Kaushik and asked “ How he remembers you alone?”
Kaushik said “ I don’t know, I was there with him when he faced the accident. After he got recovered, he remembered me and the past, nothing else. Again he will ask about you.”
Meena shaking her head said “ Oh no.”
Praveen was drinking coffee. Again he saw the watch, the time was up. He forgot again. He saw Meena standing and eating ice cream. He went towards her.She saw him coming towards her, she in her mind voice “ Oh no, now, what trouble he is going to create?”
Praveen said “ Hi I am Praveen, a science student.”
Meena in her mind voice “ Oh no he is trying to flirt with me without knowing that I am Kaushik’s girlfriend.” She said “ I am Meena, studying higher secondary school.”
Praveen flirted with her. He said “ You look beautiful in this red saree.”
Meena again in her inner voice “ You stupid, where the hell is that Kaushik?”  She said “ Thank you for the compliment.”
Praveen said “ I never talked to a girl like this before.”
Meena said “ I know that, I know very well about you.”
Praveen said “ How you know about me?”
Meena said “ I am Kaushik’s girl friend.”
Praveen said “ Oh no, that idiot said to me that he will remain single.”
Meena said “ You too said to him that you wont try to impress girls.”
Praveen said “ Ok never tell this to Kaushik.”
Meena said “ Deal. You will definitely forget this.”
Praveen said “ Yes, Ok I will leave.” He left the place. Meena took a photo of him without his knowledge. She texted someone his photo and messaged “ He is perfect for our test. Make the arrangements.” To be continued………………..

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