Sunday 21 May 2017

Mr.Stein Chapter 003- R.Vignesh

After talking to Meena, Vastsa started to walk inside a forest. There was a car and two men were waiting there. They both were of age 30. He walked towards them. One of them asked “ How is the job going Vastsa?”
Vastsa replied “ She started to believe me Simmons.”
Simmons looked at the other guy and said “ I said to you that Vastsa is well talented and he will do this job for us, but you never believed in him Kabir.”
Kabir went and hugged Vastsa, he said “ I am sorry Vastsa, I didn’t believe you.” He took a suitcase and gave it to him and said “ This case contains 20 lakhs rupees as advance, I will give you the remaining after the job is done.”
Vastsa took the case and said “ Thank you Kabir, the job will be done soon.”
He started walking, Simmons asked “ Where are you going in such a hurry?”
Vastsa replied “ To have party with beautiful girls.” They both laughed.
Kaushik set the group photo as his profile picture. Suddenly he got a message from Praveen.
Praveen texted “ Hey, you idiot, who is that beautiful girl in the profile picture?”
Kaushik in his mind voice “ How many times should I say this to that idiot.”
Kaushik texted “ She is my girl friend Meena, I introduced you to her on my birthday.”
Praveen texted “ I am sorry, I forgot.”
Kaushik texted “ I know that, you will be cured soon, we found a way.”
Praveen texted “ Is that true?”
Kaushik texted “ Yup.” Someone knocked the door of his room, he texted “ I will text you later.” He opened the door, it was Mary.
Mary said “ Someone is waiting for you downstairs.”
Kaushik asked “ Did he tell his name?”
Mary said “ Yup, but it was lengthy and it is difficult to pronounce.”
Kaushik said “ Ok then lets go.”
Kaushik went down, he saw a boy wearing black jacket. He surprised and shouted in excitement “ Kothandaraman, how are you man? What a surprise?”
Kothandaraman said “ I am fine master.”
Mary said “ What? Is he your master?”
Kaushik said “ Mary, bring us lunch.”
Mary said “ But it is night.”
Kaushik said “ Then bring us dinner.”
Mary said “ Ok I will leave.” She left. Kaushik turned towards Kothandaraman and said “ How many times should I say that, don’t call me as master in the public place.”
Kothandaraman said “ I thought she is a deaf lady.”
Kaushik said “ She is very sharp lady. Ok , what are you doing here?”
Kothandaraman said “ I was working on a case of a girls kidnap, I  found the dead body of that girl in a forest of Bangalore.”
Kaushik said “ Oh you came here to Bangalore as the redhood.”
Kothandaraman said “ You are the one who made me the Redhood, I promised you that I will fight for justice in my city.”
Kaushik said “ Being Redhood is very difficult, I decided not to be Redhood again, after the death of girl friend Kaajal.”
Kothandaraman said “I saw your profile picture, I think you found a new girl. And I saw another guy who has a weird hair style who is he?”
Kaushik said “ He is my friend Praveen.”
Mary brought them the dinner, it was Chapati and channa masala. Kaushik took both the plates and gave one to Kothandaraman and said to Mary “ Thank you.”  Mary said “  welcome.” She left.
Kaushik and Kothandaraman started to eat. While eating, Kaushik asked      “ How did the girl die?”
Kothandaraman said “ There was no wounds, I think there was some medical test undertaken on her, so I want you to check the nearby hospitals. I already checked two hospitals, nothing problem in that, I want you to check Lisa hospitals.”
Kaushik asked “ Do you want me to become the Redhood again?”
Kothandaraman said “ Yes, because I have some unfinished job in Chennai, I have to go there, Thank you master, I will leave now.”
Kaushik said “ Ok bye.”
Kaushik went to his room. He opened the cupboard, at the top self he took a suitcase, in that he had a red colour jacket. Behind the cup board, there was a sword and a bow. He took a set of arrows from the bottom of the cupboard.
He said to himself “ I am back, the Redhood.”
Francis, the chief doctor, came to the hospital. He shouted “ The cops found the dead body of the patient we tested.”
One of the doctors said “ Sorry Sir, the mistake wont happen again.”
Francis asked with loud voice “ Where is that stupid Vastsa?”
Vastsa was enjoying the night with a beautiful girl. He said “ No one can stop me, I am going to destroy the whole Lisa hospital.” He laughed and kissed the girl. The music in the bar continued.   ( To be continued…………)

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