Saturday 20 May 2017

MR.STEIN Chapter 002 - R. Vignesh

Kaushik and Meena were travelling in car. Meena asked him “ On the birthday party, your friend tried to flirt with me.”
Kaushik said “ What? It is unbelievable. Did he know that you were my girl friend?”
Meena said “ How would he know? He just apologized and left when he came to know that I am your girl friend.”
Kaushik got relaxed. He continued driving. He turned on the radio in his car. It said “ The Redhood saved the kids from the kidnappers. The kids are safe.”
Kaushik asked “ Meena, you are from Chennai. Have you ever seen the Redhood?”  Meena just shaked her head and said “ I didn’t get opportunity to see him, but he impressed me.”
Kaushik asked “ What impressed you ?”
Meena said “ His courage, mostly girls like people who are brave.”
Kaushik said “ I am not brave, I never fought with anyone, how I impressed you?”
Meena smiled and said “ You were bave and kind by heart, you help a lot of poor homeless and parentless kids, to do good things you don’t need a mask.”
Kaushik asked “ Then why the Redhood and other heroes in the comics are always wearing mask?”
Meena said “ Maybe to save the people whom they love.”
They saw Praveen on the street. Kaushik stopped the car and said “ It is Praveen over there.” He shouted “ Hey Praveen.” He went out of the car. Meena went behind him.
Praveen saw him too and said “ Hey Kaushik, what are you doing here?”
Kaushik said “ I was just going for an outing with Meena.”
Praveen asked in doubt “ Meena, who is she?”
Meena said “ I expected you would ask this question, we all are friends. Just check the picture on your right pocket.”
He took the photo and saw their group photo in that. They started to walk and have a talk. Kaushik asked “ What were you doing here?”
Praveen said “ I don’t remember.”
A guy followed them. Kaushik had a doubt. He asked “ Meena is it seems like someone is following us?”
Meena said “ Yes.” They stopped. Kaushik asked the guy who was following “ Who are you? Why are you following us?”
The guy was short and black. He introduced himself “ I am Vastsa, I work in Hatsun company. Today four people tried to take my money, your friend Praveen saved me. So I thought to thank him. But he acted like he don’t remember anything. Then I came to know that he has short term memory loss. I spoke with one of my friend who is a doctor, he  said that he can cure this. So I was trying to speak with him about this, but you people were with him, so I thought to follow him until you leave him alone and then talk to him.”
Meena in her inner voice “ You are a great actor Vastsa, I will ask the leader to pay extra pay to you from next month. Anyhow everything is going as per plan.”
Praveen said “ Can you cure me?”
Vastsa said “ Yes. But not me , my friend will cure you. But it will take a lots of money.”
Kaushik said “ I am ready to pay how much he needs, all I want is my old friend back.”
Vastsa said “ Ok sir, then I will fix you an appointment tomorrow.”
They all left the place. Meena went to her room and called Vastsa “ You did a good job Vastsa.”
Vastsa said “ Thank you Madam.”
To be continued…………………….

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