Saturday 6 May 2017

SQUAD chapter 006 - Vignesh.R

Kothandaraman traces Nisha’s location with the help of  Nithya, who is a science student doing research on tracking a person’s location with the help of their blood. Nisha has donated blood to the bloodbank which was ran by Nithya’s father. Kothandaraman reached the location. He walked towards a building which is half constructed and said “ I reached the location .”
On the call, it was Vinoth. He informed him the location where she might be. The Redhood entered in. a group of people came with guns in their hands. He used his sword to fight with them, he walked in after injuring every members at the entrance.  Suddenly tow members came with gun, he attacked them too. He ran towards a room.
Vignesh the speedgod, was waiting outside. He was instructed by Saravanan to bring the Redhood with him.
Redhood found Nisha. She was excited to see him. Suddenly a group of gangsters surrounded them. Redhood tried to take  his sword. They shooted at them. Suddenly, there was a miracle. The world started moving slowly. It was the Speed God, he caught all the bullets and took the guns from their hands. The gangsters were surprised to see another masked guy with such a speed.
Redhood surprised and asked “ You are Speedgod right?”
Speed God said “ Yup.” He and the Redhood started fighting with the gangsters in the room. They opened the tied hands of Nisha and Irfan. Vignesh said
“ A van will be waiting for you both outside the building.”
Nisha said “ I am not leaving the Redhood alone here.”
Redhood shouted while fighting “ No need to worry, I know to take care of myself. I don’t want to see you again. Just get out of this place.”
Nisha with tears on her eyes left the place. Speed God and Redhood together finished the work. Redhood said “ I am your fan Speed God.”
Speed God removed his mask and said “ I am Vignesh, I am also your fan Kothandaraman.”
Kothandaraman surprised and removed his mask and said “ You know my identity.” Vignesh said “ I work with SCID, we need you to come along with us.”
Kothandaraman said “ What if I reject to come?”
        Vignesh said “ I will force you to come with me.”
Kothandaraman took his sword and said “ Then, lets have a fight, defeat me and take me with you.”
Vignesh said “ Do you think you can stop me?”
Vignesh ran fast and hit him on the face. Redhood took his sword and
attacked Vignesh’s leg. He stopped.
Kothandaraman smiled “ How is it?”
Vignesh ran fast and tied him ,took him along with him to a hospital. Outside the hospital, they he set him free. Vignesh said “ You are in Mumbai, you have to visit the people inside this hospital.”
Vignesh and Kothandaraman entered the hospital. Saravanan was inside, he said “ Welcome Redhood, I am Saravanan of SCID.” Kothandaraman saw many people suffering from serious injury. He asked “ What happened to them?”
Saravanan said “ They are the people who were present at the location where the bomb blast was held.”
Kothandaraman eyes had tears which was almost to fall on ground.
Saravanan  said “ The organization responsible for these attacks are planning for an attack bigger than this, we need your help to save our country.”
Kothandaraman said “ I am in.”
Vignesh happily said “ Is the team ready?”
Saravanan said “ No, not yet, we found that there is a boy at Bangalore named Praveen, he can play with minds. We need him in our team.”
Vignesh said “ I will bring him for you.” Vignesh ran fast.
Kothandaraman asked “ Can I talk to Nisha?”
Saravanan said “ She is on her way to Mumbai, once she reaches you can talk to her.”
Kothandaraman saw a little girl fully injured, it reminded something in his past. He called Vinoth and said “ I have some work in Mumbai, take care of her.”
Vinoth answered “ Yes.”

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