Thursday 27 April 2017

SQUAD Chapter 004- R.Vignesh

Kothandaraman said “ So , you think I am the redhood.” Irfan with a smiling face said “ I am not thinking, I am sure about it. You are the redhood.”
The whole room in the hotel was in a mess. Kothandaraman asked      “ Do you have any proof that I am the redhood?” Nisha waked up and said “ I am the proof Kothandaraman.”
He was totally surprised and opening his mouth. He said “ Nisha, Are you with them?” Irfan shaked hands with Nisha and said to Kothandaraman “ Sir, Now what do you say?”
Kothandaraman seeing Nisha said “ You cheated me. So far you were acting as you loved me. It was your mission. But I am sorry to say that your mission failed.”
Nisha with a disappointed face asked “ Why are you saying like that?”
Kothandaraman said “ If I am the Redhood then who the hell is behind both of you?” Nisha and Irfan turned back, they saw a guy wearing red color suit with a sword in his hand. They started fighting with him. Kothandaraman hidden behind the Sofa. Redhood made both of them unconscious. He with the help of Kothandaraman tied them all. While tying, Kothandaraman said “Thank you for being in the right time.”
Redhood said “ I have said to you many times, Never believe a girl.” After tying them, they both jumped out through the window. After few hours, the cops came there. They saw them tied. The inspector called a person and said “ I found both of them.”
Kothandaraman and the redhood were walking in the dark street. The time was 3.00 a.m. Kothandaraman was in confusion and asked the redhood, “ How did she know?”
Redhood said “ What?”
Kothandaraman answered “ That I am the redhood.”
The redhood removed his mask, it was his friend Vinoth. Kothandaraman said “ You were present there in the right time, otherwise they would have confirmed me as the Redhood.”
Vinoth smiled and said “ How was my stunts?”
Kothandaraman laughed and said “ You have learnt a lot. How did you know that I was there?”
Vinoth said “ I came to hotel Srinivasan. I saw some people kidnapping you. The moment I saw that happening I went to our room and changed  my costume and tracked your mobile phone to find your location, then I reached the spot.”
Kothandaraman amazed and said “ You started working like me. We have to find who are they and why they were spying me?”
Vignesh was ready to reveal his secret. Vignesh started talking,
“ I am not Vignesh, the man whom I am calling father is not my real father. His son is Vignesh. I look like him. I don’t know who I am. I don’t remember any of my past.” Vignesh continued his story.
Vignesh, the speedster Vignesh, was admitted in the hospital by a group of people. The doctor came and asked to the people “ What happened to him?”
One of the people said “ We don’t know who he is? We found him on the streets dying, so we brought him here.”
They took him to the operation zone. The operation continued. Few hours later, Vignesh woke up. A doctor named Khalidas came towards and said “Hello, I am Khalidas, a Doctor in this hospital. What is your name?”
Vignesh replied very tired “ I don’t remember anything.”
The doctor went from there. He informed the nurse “ He don’t remember anything, please inform about him to the police. They will get him to his family.”
The nurse informed the police. Two constables arrived at the hospital for the enquiry. A constable went inside the operation theatre, there he saw Vignesh and shocked. He ran out and informed another constable that Vignesh is inside. They both informed the Inspector , a team of Police came to the hospital. They arrested Vignesh and took him to the hospital. On the way, the media came.
Inspector Charlie said “ We found the man who was responsible for the serial blast in Mumbai. He is the man. His name is Vignesh.” The whole media took the videos and photo of Vignesh.
They took Vignesh inside the police van. The Doctor, Khalidas ran towards the van and stopped the police and said “ Sir, though he is a criminal, you cannot investigate him. He lost his memories. He is useless.”
Inspector Charlie asked “ Do anyone else know that he lost his memoy?”
Khalidas said “ No” Charlie looked happy and said “ Then with the help of him, I am going to find the remaining criminals.Please don’t say about this to anyone Doctor.”
Khalidas said “OK Sure.”
The police took him with them.
Saravanan asked Michael “ Find out whether the details he said is true.” Michael took a laptop and searched for the old news and gathered some details about the Inspector and Doctor. Michael said “ The incidents he said was real. We have to ask the Doctor and Inspector to make sure that he is telling the truth.”
Vignesh said “ Only the Doctor is alive. They killed the inspector and kidnapped me from the van in which they were taking me to the jail.”
Vignesh was kidnapped by a terrorist group which was attacking Mumbai for few months. Vignesh was surprised to see a guy looking like him. The guy came towards him and said “ you look exactly like me.”
Vignesh, the terrorist, asked “ What is your name and where are you from?”
The speedster Vignesh replied “ I don’t remember anything about me.”
The terrorist Vignesh looked very happy and said “ From now, you are Vignesh. You will live my life.” He took a chain from his neck and put it on his neck. Then he took a gun and pointed at him and said “ You will die as me.”
Vignesh’s father came there and shouted “ So it is true, you are a terrorist.”
Vignesh said in anger “ Father what are you doing here?”
His father said “ I am not alone, I am with the police. They surrounded this place. Just get surrendered my son.” Vignesh had no other option, he was not able to murder a person in front of his father.
  He just knelt down and said to his father that “ All I did was just to save you father, they threatened me that they will kill you, so only I did all this.”
His father cried “ Oh my son, just tell the cops who are they, they will protect you.”
Suddenly, they heard firing sounds outside. A terrorist gang started attack on the police. Vignesh took his father and started running from that place. He saw the speedster Vignesh who was not able to move. He just left him and ran from that place. The terrorist group took speedster Vignesh, thinking him as the Vignesh they needed.
Michael confirmed that he is telling the truth. He said to Saravanan    “ Just now I spoke to the Doctor, he lost his memory during the accident. Then I asked his father, sorry the real Vignesh’s father, he too said the same thing.”
Ashkar had some water. He said to Vignesh “ You have hidden a lots of things from me.” Saravanan asked Vignesh “ What happened next?”
Vignesh said “ I met a man of Sofiyaan, he took me to the leader of their gang Danish. He said me to kill my own father, that is Vignesh’s father. Two of their men came along with me to Vignesh’s home. We had a surprise there.”
Ashkar said “ What kind of surprise?”
Vignesh said “ This is the first time I used my power. When we went to his house, we found Vignesh’s dead body. He committed suicide. Then, the two terrorists with me came to know that I am not Vignesh, they decided to kill me. I started running, my speed started to increase. Then I travelled even more faster. I attacked both of them and then attacked the whole terrorist group in Mumbai and gave them to the police. No one knows my identity. I went to Vignesh’s home. His father was crying holding him. We buried him. I changed into Vignesh. I lived with him. Then I became the speed god and started helping the people from threats.”
Saravanan asked “ Why you decided to run from Mumbai?”
Vignesh said “ I saw a lady she said that I killed her son in a blast. Every people in my area seen me as a terrorist. So , I decided to hide myself. I had no other option other than leaving this place.”
Ashkar silently asked “ Who are you?”
          Saravanan said “ Are you asking to me?”
Ashkar angrily shouted “ Yes I am asking to you , you idiot, who are you and why are doing all this? How you know about him?”
Vignesh asked “ Yes, I said you all about me. Now its your turn.”
Saravanan said “ I am a chief investigator of the secret crime investigation department.”
Ashkar asked “ Where is your proof?” Saravanan searched for his identity card. He felt something strange, he shouted “ Oh my God, my gun is missing.” Karthik had his gun and he started firing using a silencer, he shot two men of investigation department.
Vignesh ran fast and stopped him. He found his body carrying a bomb. Vignesh shouted “ Oh my God, he is a human bomb.” Vignesh took the bomb and started running, he thrown it on the sea. It blasted. He returned back.
They arrested Karthik. Vignesh asked Saravanan “ What is happening?” Saravanan replied “ Our country is going to face the biggest terrorist attack in the history. We need your help.”
        To be continued......

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