Monday 24 April 2017

SQUAD chapter one - By Vignesh.R

The time was around 6.40 a.m. It was a Monday so the whole railway station was very busy. Vignesh , a 21 year old boy, wearing black coat and white shirt inside carrying a suitcase in his left hand and a phone in his right hand was walking in a hurry. Suddenly he got a call, his phone had the ringtone from the movie  “ VEERAM”. He picked up the call and kept the suitcase on the floor. In the phone, it was his father.
Father asked “ where are you Vignesh?”
Vignesh replied him by seeing around the station “ Dad, I am in my office only, where I do the part time job.”
Father said “ Don’t lie to me, just now I received a call from your office. They said that nowadays your behavior is strange. What happened to you?”
Vignesh replied “ I did nothing wrong dad. I just hate that office and I don’t want to be in Mumbai anymore.”
Father said “ Son, listen to me…”
Vignesh stops him in the middle while speaking and starts shouting
“ Please , listen to me, I am leaving to Bangalore now. And don’t try to stop me. Good bye Dad.”
Vignesh cuts his phone and switches it off. Then he finds the suitcase missing. He sees here and there in the railway station. He finds a guy with black t-shirt carrying his suitcase and he starts running after coming to know that Vignesh saw him. Vignesh ran behind him. He was chasing him like a cat chasing the mouse. Suddenly the guy was missing. Vignesh was very upset and didn’t what to do next.
The guy who stole the suitcase was here. He went inside a fish market. There was a small room, he walked towards it. Then he entered the room. There were few people wearing rich costumes. Saravanan , the leader of the gang, comes forward and shakes hands with the guy and gets the suitcase from him.
Saravanan appreciated him “ Good job, Michael.”
Michael replied with a smile “ Thank you Sir, but I don’t think he is the person we are looking for.”
Saravanan asked “ Why do you think so?”
Michael replied “ He was too slow to catch me Sir.”
Saravanan smiled and said “ That’s how the superheroes hide their secrets in public. They makes sure that no one has doubt on them.”
         Karthik, another member of this gang comes forward and asked “Sir, what we are going to do with this suitcase?”
Saravanan looks at the suitcase and smiles.
Vignesh was here to file a complaint on the person who stole his suitcase. He meets the higher officer.
  Swapnil, the inspector, asked “ What happened young man ?”
Vignesh replied “ Sir, I was  talking to my father in the phone. When I kept it, I found a guy running with my suitcase.I have all my documents and originals in that file.”
Swapnil said “ OK, write a letter and we will find it soon.”
  Vignesh writes a letter and gives it to them. Then he left the place.
Swapnil calls Saravanan.
Swapnil said “ That guy just gave the complaint. Now we can return the suitcase to him.”
Saravanan replied “ OK, I will do that and ask our men in your department to have a watch on him. We need him.”
Swapnil said “ yes sure.”
Saravanan happily said to his team mates “ Everything is going on as per our plan.”
He receives a call.
           Saravanan attends it “ Hello Irfan, whats the news ?”
Irfan replied “ Sir, I found some secrets of Kothandaraman. I am 70 % sure that he is the redhood.”
Saravanan laughs out loudly and said “ That’s good to hear.”

TO BE CONTINUED…………………………………


  1. Ena type of story nu sollunga..Quite interesting..Pakkalam balance episode..go ahead frd..All the best

  2. 1st episode itself interesting...

  3. Gud one machan interesting..
