Tuesday 25 April 2017

SQUAD Chapter two - By R.Vignesh

Vignesh was present there to get his suitcase from the Matunga police station. He saw Michael behind the bars.
Head constable said “ Sign that sheet and get your suitcase.”
Vignesh signed it and then took the suitcase from there. There was a tracking chip in the handle, he does not notice it. After Vignesh left the station, the constable provided Michael a phone. Michael called Saravanan and informed him what happened in the station.
Saravanan was talking in his phone “ Keep following him, that guy Kothandaraman is very intelligent. He will find you guys easily, so act smart. Nobody should have doubt on you.”
Saravanan shouts “ Karthik”
Karthik came there in a hurry and said “ Sir, the set up is ready. Our team is present in their respective positions.” Saravanan got up from his seat and went to the computer technicians department to make sure that everything is kept ready.
Saravanan asked “ Are you all ready guys?”
The crew shouted “ Yes”
Saravanan asked Karthik “ Where is he now?”
Karthik answered him “ Sir, he is in Andheri. Our men are in position. Shall we execute our plan.”
Saravanan said “ Yes, what are we waiting for?”
Saravanan returned to his seat and started having a cup of coffee. Karthik went to the technicians and instructed them to start their work.
Vignesh was walking towards his friend’s house. In that area, there were few people looking strange planning to do something. There was a van which had school students in it. Vignesh saw those people and he felt something wrong is going to happen.
Suddenly those guys took a gun in their hands and started running towards the school van. They entered inside the van and they thrown the driver out. They took the van. The van was completely out of control with full speed. Vignesh saw people running here and there with fear on their faces.
      Vignesh to himself “ I must do something now.”
Vignesh finds a place where there is no one. He started running faster than a train. He is the speedster, a superhero.

Karthik found that that the tracking device is moving faster. He went to Saravanan and said “ Sir, we were right. Vignesh is the speedster we were looking for. The tracking device is moving faster than any train in Mumbai.”
Saravanan smiled and then said “ That’s nice to hear.”
Saravanan walked into his room and took a file from his cupboard. In the file, it was written “ SPEED-GOD”. He watches it and then opened it. He sealed it as closed. Karthik came into his room and asked “ Sir, Vignesh the speedgod, saved those kids. What is our next plan?”
Saravanan said “ Kothandaraman is going to meet his girlfriend Nisha in Srinivasan hotel at Chennai. Today is his birthday, so we are going to give him a surprise.”
Karthik smiled and said “ I got it Sir.”
Kothandaraman was waiting for his girlfriend. The television was showing the news about the Speed God. Kothandaraman was sitting in his table. Suddenly, a group of people with black costumes and black mask entered the hotel and surrounded him.
The owner shouted “ What is this? I will call the police.”
One of the black costumed guy pointed his gun towards the owner and said  “ Be quite or your head will burst and scatter into pieces.”
Vignesh was very tired when he entered the colony. An old man named Bhagat crossed him and said “ Hey kid, you are too slow. I think you must learn to walk.”
Vignesh smiled and replied “ Can you teach me?”
The old man laughed and started to walk. Vignesh went inside the lift and pressed fourth floor. He went to door number 456. The owner of that room is Ashkar Rehman, his friend. He opened the door.
He saw some people inside that include Saravanan, Michael, Karthik and the guys who took the school van.
Vignesh shouted “ Where is Ashkar?”
Ashkar came with a cup of coffee and asked “ What happened?”
Saravanan replied “ He might be surprised to his friends after a long time. How are you Vignesh?” Saravanan walked towards Vignesh and said in his ears
 “I know that you are the Speed God.”
              Vignesh was shocked. He remained silently without speaking a single word, he went towards the sofa and sat.
TO BE CONTINUED……………………………

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