Friday 26 May 2017

Mr.Stein Chapter 005- R.Vignesh

Vastsa was having drinks in his room. He heard sound of a car. He thought “ They are here, I must hide her from them.” He ran to her room and hided her in the bathroom. He went out. They caught him. Those men surrounded him.
Vastsa said “ Hey buddies, I am working for you people only, why are you trying to kill me?”
One of the members said “ It’s the order from the leader.”
Kaushik the Redhood, was watching all this. He thought “ Leader.. who it will be?”
Vastsa said “ Hey chill man, I will give you all whatever you need, just leave me alone.”
One of them said “ You are talking too much, lets start by cutting your tongue.”
The men came close to Vastsa. Suddenly there was a sound from outside. They watched outside. It was Simmons and Kabir with their men. They came to help Vastsa.
They started firing at each other. Simmon and Kabir killed everyone who tried to kill Vastsa.
Kaushik who was hiding was thinking “ Who are these new guys?” He took a picture of them. He sent it to Kothandaraman’s number.
Kabir asked “ Why they tried to kill you?”
Vastsa said “ I am the one who was present while doing the test on that girl, the test failed, now the police found the girl’s body, so they are trying to kill me to keep me shut.”
Kabir said “ So the test is not completed yet, let me know once it gets completed. You will be provided with whatever you want”
Simmons took a suitcase and gave it to him. Then they left the place.
He opened the suitcase and said “ Redhood, no more hiding, come out, I have to talk to you.”
Redhood jumped and said “ How you know I am here?”
Vastsa said “ I smelt your perfume Kaushik.”
Kaushik shocked and removed his mask and asked “ You know about me, then why you didn’t say about me to any of them?”
Vastsa said “ Because I need your help to destroy Lisa hospitals.”
Kaushik said “ Why?”
Vastsa took Kaushik along with him to the bathroom where he hidden her. Kaushik asked “ Who is she?” Vastsa went near her and hold her hands and started to tell his flashback.
Meena went to the hospital. She was waiting to see Francis. He came there.
Francis said “ Am I late?”
Meena replied “ No you are not,this is the perfect time.”
Francis asked “ But why?”
Meena hugged him and said “ You failed to find the medicine and your men failed to kill Vastsa, so you are going to die.” She took the knife in her hand.
He shouted “ Please give me some more time, I will find the medicine. I need a new patient.” She dropped the knife and smiled.
She said “ Praveen is the new patient, my boy friend’s best friend, he will be admitted tomorrow here.”
He said “ But Vastsa wont work with us now, the leader ordered to kill him, after all these things he will not bring Praveen here.”
Meena said “ Vastsa still thinks that I love him, he believes me, he does whatever I say, he will do the job once he gets the money.”
She started to walk, she turned and said “ Praveen will be your last chance.”
Praveen was still unconscious. Akshatha was fully confused and was thinking “ What will I do now, the medicine is not working.” She took her phone and called Nithya, her friend in Chennai.
At Chennai, Nithya and Vinoth were working on a blood donation camp.
She received the call. Vinoth asked “ Is the call important?”
Nithya said “ Yes, just take care of the people, I will talk and come.” She spoke with her “ What happened Akshatha?”
Akshatha said “ The medicine is not working.” Nithya looked at her watch amd said “ How much time it took?”
She replied “ Three hours.” Nithya said “ Just wait for one more hour the medicine will definitely work.” She cuts the call. Akshatha was waiting for Praveen to get to normal state.
After one hour, Praveen’s eyes started to blink. She was excited to see it, he opened his eyes.
He said “ HeyAkshatha.”
She said “ Do you remember everything?”
He said “ Not everything, I remember only you and the time I spent with you.”
She said “ Do you remember Kaushik?”
He said “ I don’t remember, but once I said to you that Kaushik must not know about our relationship, he must be an enemy of me.”
She said “ Oh no, the medicine failed.”

Thursday 25 May 2017

MR.STEIN Chapter 004- R.Vignesh

Kaushik, the redhood, entered the hospital. He walked very slowly to check what is happening in the hospital. Suddenly two nurses walked together, he hided. They went to the rest room. He started to walk. He saw Francis talking with few of his men. He heard him saying “ Kill every evidence and make everything clear.”
Kaushik got doubt on them, so he decided to follow them. They took a car, he followed them.
Praveen was reading the book about Albert Einstein. The house calling bell was ringing continuously. He closed his book and went to open the door. As soon as he opened it, a girl jumped on him and started kissing him. He thrown her and asked “ Who the hell are you?”
She stood and said “ Hey, did you forget me? I am Akshatha, your girl friend.”
Praveen said “ What I have a girl friend?”
Akshatha said “ Yes, I proposed you, as soon as I proposed you, you said ok to me.”
Praveen said “ Do you know about me completely?”
Akshatha said “ Yes, you have short term memory loss, I promised that I will bring you a cure.”
Praveen said “ What do you have a cure for me?”
Akshatha took a box from her bag. She opened it and took an injection and said “ This can bring your old memories back, but it will work for only one day, I am working on it to bring your memories back permanently.”
Praveen said “ That’s awesome, you are great.” He went near her and hugged her.
Vastsa was talking with Meena. They both were discussing seriously the girl found dead.
Meena said “ Be safe, the leader must kill you.”
Vastsa said “ Already, they will be on their way.”
Meena said “ Try to leave this place as soon as possible.”
Vastsa said “ Ok, what are you going to do with that guy, Praveen?”
Meena said “ The same test we did on the girl who is dead.”
Vastsa said “ Ok I am leaving, where is my money?”
Meena gave him some money. Vastsa left the place smiling. He recorded whatever he spoke with Meena. He left the hotel. He went to his house.
He walked inside the house. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He then came out and started walking to his bed room. He said “ Honey I am back.”
In the bed, there was a girl with burnt skin. He went to her said “ I am doing things to take revenge of the people who did this to you.”
She said “ Thank you Wolfie.”
Praveen said “ I am ready to inject this medicine.”
Akshatha prayed and said “ Praveen, this may create more pain, you have to bear it.”
Praveen said “ Ok,I am ready.” She injects it by closing her eyes. The medicine enters his brain. He falls unconscious.
Akshatha started shouting “ Praveen, what happened?”

Sunday 21 May 2017

Mr.Stein Chapter 003- R.Vignesh

After talking to Meena, Vastsa started to walk inside a forest. There was a car and two men were waiting there. They both were of age 30. He walked towards them. One of them asked “ How is the job going Vastsa?”
Vastsa replied “ She started to believe me Simmons.”
Simmons looked at the other guy and said “ I said to you that Vastsa is well talented and he will do this job for us, but you never believed in him Kabir.”
Kabir went and hugged Vastsa, he said “ I am sorry Vastsa, I didn’t believe you.” He took a suitcase and gave it to him and said “ This case contains 20 lakhs rupees as advance, I will give you the remaining after the job is done.”
Vastsa took the case and said “ Thank you Kabir, the job will be done soon.”
He started walking, Simmons asked “ Where are you going in such a hurry?”
Vastsa replied “ To have party with beautiful girls.” They both laughed.
Kaushik set the group photo as his profile picture. Suddenly he got a message from Praveen.
Praveen texted “ Hey, you idiot, who is that beautiful girl in the profile picture?”
Kaushik in his mind voice “ How many times should I say this to that idiot.”
Kaushik texted “ She is my girl friend Meena, I introduced you to her on my birthday.”
Praveen texted “ I am sorry, I forgot.”
Kaushik texted “ I know that, you will be cured soon, we found a way.”
Praveen texted “ Is that true?”
Kaushik texted “ Yup.” Someone knocked the door of his room, he texted “ I will text you later.” He opened the door, it was Mary.
Mary said “ Someone is waiting for you downstairs.”
Kaushik asked “ Did he tell his name?”
Mary said “ Yup, but it was lengthy and it is difficult to pronounce.”
Kaushik said “ Ok then lets go.”
Kaushik went down, he saw a boy wearing black jacket. He surprised and shouted in excitement “ Kothandaraman, how are you man? What a surprise?”
Kothandaraman said “ I am fine master.”
Mary said “ What? Is he your master?”
Kaushik said “ Mary, bring us lunch.”
Mary said “ But it is night.”
Kaushik said “ Then bring us dinner.”
Mary said “ Ok I will leave.” She left. Kaushik turned towards Kothandaraman and said “ How many times should I say that, don’t call me as master in the public place.”
Kothandaraman said “ I thought she is a deaf lady.”
Kaushik said “ She is very sharp lady. Ok , what are you doing here?”
Kothandaraman said “ I was working on a case of a girls kidnap, I  found the dead body of that girl in a forest of Bangalore.”
Kaushik said “ Oh you came here to Bangalore as the redhood.”
Kothandaraman said “ You are the one who made me the Redhood, I promised you that I will fight for justice in my city.”
Kaushik said “ Being Redhood is very difficult, I decided not to be Redhood again, after the death of girl friend Kaajal.”
Kothandaraman said “I saw your profile picture, I think you found a new girl. And I saw another guy who has a weird hair style who is he?”
Kaushik said “ He is my friend Praveen.”
Mary brought them the dinner, it was Chapati and channa masala. Kaushik took both the plates and gave one to Kothandaraman and said to Mary “ Thank you.”  Mary said “  welcome.” She left.
Kaushik and Kothandaraman started to eat. While eating, Kaushik asked      “ How did the girl die?”
Kothandaraman said “ There was no wounds, I think there was some medical test undertaken on her, so I want you to check the nearby hospitals. I already checked two hospitals, nothing problem in that, I want you to check Lisa hospitals.”
Kaushik asked “ Do you want me to become the Redhood again?”
Kothandaraman said “ Yes, because I have some unfinished job in Chennai, I have to go there, Thank you master, I will leave now.”
Kaushik said “ Ok bye.”
Kaushik went to his room. He opened the cupboard, at the top self he took a suitcase, in that he had a red colour jacket. Behind the cup board, there was a sword and a bow. He took a set of arrows from the bottom of the cupboard.
He said to himself “ I am back, the Redhood.”
Francis, the chief doctor, came to the hospital. He shouted “ The cops found the dead body of the patient we tested.”
One of the doctors said “ Sorry Sir, the mistake wont happen again.”
Francis asked with loud voice “ Where is that stupid Vastsa?”
Vastsa was enjoying the night with a beautiful girl. He said “ No one can stop me, I am going to destroy the whole Lisa hospital.” He laughed and kissed the girl. The music in the bar continued.   ( To be continued…………)

Saturday 20 May 2017

MR.STEIN Chapter 002 - R. Vignesh

Kaushik and Meena were travelling in car. Meena asked him “ On the birthday party, your friend tried to flirt with me.”
Kaushik said “ What? It is unbelievable. Did he know that you were my girl friend?”
Meena said “ How would he know? He just apologized and left when he came to know that I am your girl friend.”
Kaushik got relaxed. He continued driving. He turned on the radio in his car. It said “ The Redhood saved the kids from the kidnappers. The kids are safe.”
Kaushik asked “ Meena, you are from Chennai. Have you ever seen the Redhood?”  Meena just shaked her head and said “ I didn’t get opportunity to see him, but he impressed me.”
Kaushik asked “ What impressed you ?”
Meena said “ His courage, mostly girls like people who are brave.”
Kaushik said “ I am not brave, I never fought with anyone, how I impressed you?”
Meena smiled and said “ You were bave and kind by heart, you help a lot of poor homeless and parentless kids, to do good things you don’t need a mask.”
Kaushik asked “ Then why the Redhood and other heroes in the comics are always wearing mask?”
Meena said “ Maybe to save the people whom they love.”
They saw Praveen on the street. Kaushik stopped the car and said “ It is Praveen over there.” He shouted “ Hey Praveen.” He went out of the car. Meena went behind him.
Praveen saw him too and said “ Hey Kaushik, what are you doing here?”
Kaushik said “ I was just going for an outing with Meena.”
Praveen asked in doubt “ Meena, who is she?”
Meena said “ I expected you would ask this question, we all are friends. Just check the picture on your right pocket.”
He took the photo and saw their group photo in that. They started to walk and have a talk. Kaushik asked “ What were you doing here?”
Praveen said “ I don’t remember.”
A guy followed them. Kaushik had a doubt. He asked “ Meena is it seems like someone is following us?”
Meena said “ Yes.” They stopped. Kaushik asked the guy who was following “ Who are you? Why are you following us?”
The guy was short and black. He introduced himself “ I am Vastsa, I work in Hatsun company. Today four people tried to take my money, your friend Praveen saved me. So I thought to thank him. But he acted like he don’t remember anything. Then I came to know that he has short term memory loss. I spoke with one of my friend who is a doctor, he  said that he can cure this. So I was trying to speak with him about this, but you people were with him, so I thought to follow him until you leave him alone and then talk to him.”
Meena in her inner voice “ You are a great actor Vastsa, I will ask the leader to pay extra pay to you from next month. Anyhow everything is going as per plan.”
Praveen said “ Can you cure me?”
Vastsa said “ Yes. But not me , my friend will cure you. But it will take a lots of money.”
Kaushik said “ I am ready to pay how much he needs, all I want is my old friend back.”
Vastsa said “ Ok sir, then I will fix you an appointment tomorrow.”
They all left the place. Meena went to her room and called Vastsa “ You did a good job Vastsa.”
Vastsa said “ Thank you Madam.”
To be continued…………………….

Friday 19 May 2017

MR.STEIN - Chapter 001: R.Vignesh

Today was Kaushik’s birthday. Kaushik, he is a billionare, age 18, a teenage funfilled boy, he has a friend named Praveen. They both are best friends. Praveen came in his cycle to his birthday party. When he tried to open the gate, the watchman came and said “ Stop, who are you?”
Praveen looked at him, the other watchman came and said “ He is Praveen, Kaushik’s friend.”
The watchman opened the gate and asked “ Sorry.” The other watchman asked “ You are a friend of a billionare but you are coming in a cycle, why?”
Praveen said “ Because, I don’t know to ride bike or car.” He just walked into the bungalow saying that. He went inside.
Miss. Mary came with a cup of coffee and gave it to Praveen. She was 80 years old. She said “ Welcome Praveen.” He took the coffee and said “ Thank you.” He was watching his watch and asked “ Can you take me to any room?”
Mary said “ Yes sure.” She took him with her, suddenly an alarm sound came from Praveen’s watch.
Mary said “ What happened?”
 Praveen asked “ Where am I ?”
He forgot what he was doing here. Mary said “ Mr. Praveen, you are here to attend Kaushik’s birthday.”
Praveen asked  “ Where is he now?”
Mary said “ He is in his room.”
Praveen said “ Take me there.”
They went to his room , it was closed. Praveen said “ Ok I will take care, you can go.”
Mary said “ Ok.” She leaves.
Praveen opened the door, he was shocked. He saw Kaushik kissing a girl.Kaushik also shocked to see him. Praveen said “ You idiot, you said that you will always remain single, now who is she?”
Kaushik trying to convince said “ She is my girl friend, her name is Meena, she is daughter of temple Gurukal, we met few months back.”
Praveen was seeing his watch. It showed two minutes left. Kaushik too seen that. Meena asked “ Is that your friend Praveen?”
Kaushik said “ Yes, he is my friend Praveen, he is a science student, but he have short term memory loss, he remembers only ten minutes, again it starts from the beginning.”
After two minutes, Praveen asked “ Hey Kaushik, where are we? Who is she?”
Meena looked at him terribly. Kaushik said “ Hey we are here to celebrate my birthday, and I brought you here to introduce my girlfriend.”
Praveen hit Kaushik on his face and said “You idiot, you said that you will always remain single, now who is she?”
Kaushik said “She is my girl friend, her name is Meena, she is daughter of temple Gurukal, we met few months back.”
Meena silently said “ Oh not again.”
Mary came there and said “ Kaushik, everyone is waiting for you down, please come and join the party.”
Kaushik said “ Yes we are coming.”
Praveen said “ Mary, is there coffee down?”
Mary said “ Yes.”
Praveen said “ Then lets go.”
Meena stopped Kaushik and asked “ How he remembers you alone?”
Kaushik said “ I don’t know, I was there with him when he faced the accident. After he got recovered, he remembered me and the past, nothing else. Again he will ask about you.”
Meena shaking her head said “ Oh no.”
Praveen was drinking coffee. Again he saw the watch, the time was up. He forgot again. He saw Meena standing and eating ice cream. He went towards her.She saw him coming towards her, she in her mind voice “ Oh no, now, what trouble he is going to create?”
Praveen said “ Hi I am Praveen, a science student.”
Meena in her mind voice “ Oh no he is trying to flirt with me without knowing that I am Kaushik’s girlfriend.” She said “ I am Meena, studying higher secondary school.”
Praveen flirted with her. He said “ You look beautiful in this red saree.”
Meena again in her inner voice “ You stupid, where the hell is that Kaushik?”  She said “ Thank you for the compliment.”
Praveen said “ I never talked to a girl like this before.”
Meena said “ I know that, I know very well about you.”
Praveen said “ How you know about me?”
Meena said “ I am Kaushik’s girl friend.”
Praveen said “ Oh no, that idiot said to me that he will remain single.”
Meena said “ You too said to him that you wont try to impress girls.”
Praveen said “ Ok never tell this to Kaushik.”
Meena said “ Deal. You will definitely forget this.”
Praveen said “ Yes, Ok I will leave.” He left the place. Meena took a photo of him without his knowledge. She texted someone his photo and messaged “ He is perfect for our test. Make the arrangements.” To be continued………………..

Thursday 18 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 10- season finale

The place was full of guns and bombs. There were lots of men working with the terrorist gang. They called themselves as “ Freedom warriors.” The team leader Danish and his worker Sofiyaan were discussing something seriously.
Sofiyaan said “ Sir SCID knows our location, just got information from our men in it.” Danish looked at him and asked “ How do they know?”
Sofiyaan said “ Don’t know, they may have got information from Karthik.”
Danish said “ No, he wont , even he don’t know our location, someone from here is working for them now.”
Sofiyaan shocked and asked “ What, a traitor in our side. Oh no who it will be?” Danish went and took his weapon and said “ We don’t have enough time to find him, we have to escape from here before they come.”
Sofiyaan too takes his weapon and said to all his men “ Lets fight for our freedom.” Everyone took the gun in their hands. SCID members reached the spot.
Kothandaraman received a call from Vinoth, he was busy so he didn’t attend the call. Redhood, Nisha and Sivaprakash were present in a van.Sivaprakash took a device which looked like a mosquito.
Nisha asked “ What is this?”
Sivaprakash answered “ It is a mosquito cam, it wan fly and rotate 360 degree and can provide me every details about what is happening inside.”
Redhood said “ You are cool, man.”
Saravanan came inside the van and said “ Guys be ready, Sivaprakash can we send the mosquitoes in.”
Sivaprakash said “ Yes they are ready.” He pressed the switch and nearly 100 mosquitoes enetered the terrorist building. They were reading every floor and the SCID known their every plan.
                   Danish came to meet some people. Vignesh, who is not the speed god was standing there, he came and asked “ Are you ready to do whatever we ask you to do?”
Vignesh said “ Yes, I am in need of money, so I am ready to do whatever you ask me to do?”
Sofiyaan came with a suitcase and gave it to Vignesh and said “ Just take it with you and keep it in different locations which we say after you left the place.”
Vignesh thought for a minute what to do, he was not ready. Sofiyaan went near him and said “ Do you want to save your father from cancer, then you need a lots of money and we are ready to provide you that much money.”
Vignesh took the suitcase with him. He kept the bomb in different places. His face was recorded in many cameras. The places started to blast one by one. In next day news, it was full of tears.
Vignesh went to meet Danish and asked money. Danish gave a hug and said “ Well done, Vignesh.” He called Sofiyaan and asked him to bring the money. They gave him the money. Vignesh went to his house with the money bag. He saw the news showing his face. The police tried to catch him. He ran and went to Sofiyaan’s place.
Vignesh said “ The police is trying to catch me.”
Sofiyaan said “ Ok I will arrange a place for you to hide, don’t worry.”
After few days, a guy looking like Vignesh was roaming in the street, suddenly the terrorists found him.
Vignesh said “ He will die as me, I need your help Sofiyaan.”
Sofiyaan said “ OK .”
Vignesh emotionally said “ I don’t know how I am going to convince my father.”
Sofiyaan said “ We will take care of him.”
The Inspector Khalidas was incharge of the Vignesh case, the other speedster Vignesh faced an accident.
Vignesh, the speedster Vignesh, was admitted in the hospital by a group of people. The doctor came and asked to the people “ What happened to him?”
One of the people said “ We don’t know who he is? We found him on the streets dying, so we brought him here.”
They took him to the operation zone. The operation continued. Few hours later, Vignesh woke up. A doctor named Khalidas came towards and said “Hello, I am Khalidas, a Doctor in this hospital. What is your name?”
Vignesh replied very tired “ I don’t remember anything.”
The doctor went from there. He informed the nurse “ He don’t remember anything, please inform about him to the police. They will get him to his family.”
The nurse informed the police. Two constables arrived at the hospital for the enquiry. A constable went inside the operation theatre, there he saw Vignesh and shocked. He ran out and informed another constable that Vignesh is inside. They both informed the Inspector , a team of Police came to the hospital. They arrested Vignesh and took him to the hospital. On the way, the media came.
Inspector Charlie said “ We found the man who was responsible for the serial blast in Mumbai. He is the man. His name is Vignesh.” The whole media took the videos and photo of Vignesh.
They took Vignesh inside the police van. The Doctor, Khalidas ran towards the van and stopped the police and said “ Sir, though he is a criminal, you cannot investigate him. He lost his memories. He is useless.”
Inspector Charlie asked “ Do anyone else know that he lost his memory?”
Khalidas said “ No”. Charlie looked happy and said “ Then with the help of him, I am going to find the remaining criminals.Please don’t say about this to anyone Doctor.”
Khalidas said “OK Sure.”
The police took him with them. Suddenly there was an accident, they took Vignesh by killing the inspector.
 Vignesh was kidnapped by a terrorist group which was attacking Mumbai for few months. Vignesh was surprised to see a guy looking like him. The guy came towards him and said “ you look exactly like me.”
Vignesh, the terrorist, asked “ What is your name and where are you from?”
The speedster Vignesh replied “ I don’t remember anything about me.”
The terrorist Vignesh looked very happy and said “ From now, you are Vignesh. You will live my life.” He took a chain from his neck and put it on his neck. Then he took a gun and pointed at him and said “ You will die as me.”
Vignesh’s father came there and shouted “ So it is true, you are a terrorist.”
Vignesh said in anger “ Father what are you doing here?”
His father said “ I am not alone, I am with the police. They surrounded this place. Just get surrendered my son.” Vignesh had no other option, he was not able to murder a person in front of his father.
  He just knelt down and said to his father that “ All I did was just to save you father, they threatened me that they will kill you, so only I did all this.”
His father cried “ Oh my son, just tell the cops who are they, they will protect you.”
Suddenly, they heard firing sounds outside. The terrorist gang started attack on the police. Vignesh took his father and started running from that place. He saw the speedster Vignesh who was not able to move. He just left him and ran from that place. The terrorist group took speedster Vignesh, thinking him as the Vignesh they needed. They took him to meet Sofiyaan and Danish.
Sofiyaan said “ Your father is the main reason for this, just go and kill him.”
Vignesh, the speedster, went with them, there they saw Vignesh committed suicide. Then the terrorists who were present there came to know that the person with them is not Vignesh, they decided to kill him, but he escaped using his power, from then he lived as the son of the real Vignesh’s father.
In the court they proved that the person who died is responsible for this attack, Vignesh was released. But still some people had a wromg view on him. So he decided to leave Mumbai. He was using his speed to help people. One day , he made decision of leaving Mumbai, then only Saravanan found him and then he joined the Squad.
Saravanan asked “ Is anyone other than the terrorist is inside?”
Sivaprakash said “ No one, then shall we blast this place.” Redhood shocked “ What?” Sivaprakash said “ We cant do that, if we attack this place, the nearby areas will be affected too.”
Redhood said “ Lets take care of them.” The whole SCID entered inside the spot, it was completely firing and fighting.
Saravanan found Danish, Danish was sitting in a Sofa. Danish said “ Hello Saravanan, its good to see you.” Saravanan ran towards him with an angry face.
Sivaprakash was instructing the Redhood and Nisha. They both teamed up and started the hunting the terrorists one by one. A guy shot Nisha on the shoulder, Redhood cut his fingers. Redhood to Nisha “ Are you ok Nisha?”
Nisha said “ Yes I am.” He carried her on the shoulder and he was fighting everyone who was coming in his way.
Sivaprakash saw a bomb in the video. He said “ Redhood there is a bomb in the building.”
Redhood decided to leave the room with Nisha. The SCID killed almost all the terrorists.
Saravanan was fighting with Danish, suddenly Sofiyaan came and hit him on the back. He fell unconscious. Sofiyaan said “ The bomb is going to explode within a minute, we have to leave this place.”
Danish said “ If we go outside they will arrest us or they will kill us. So we shall die here with Saravanan.”
Sivaprakash said “ Saravanan is still inside but we have only five seconds left.” Kothandaraman shouted “ Oh no.”  The building in which Saravanan was present exploded, suddenly the world went slow. Everything was slow, the speedgod reached there in time, he took Saravanan and Danish with him, he locked Danish. Sofiyaan died inside the building.
Michael to Speed God “ You were right in time to the party.”
In the news, the SCID saved Mumbai city from the terrorists.
At the SCID, Kothandaraman and Nisha tried to kiss, suddenly Vignesh ran fast and took him with him.    ( see you on season 2)

Saturday 13 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 009 - Vignesh.R

The SCID team was waiting outside the building which includes Redhood, Nisha, Michael and Irfan, they were waiting outside for the instruction.
Redhood said “ Why we are not getting any information from there?”
Nisha said “ Don’t know, you were trying to say to me, whats that?”
Suddenly, Sivaprakash gave them the instruction, he said “ Sorry guys, I was not able to connect to you, due to some technical errors, there are four members in the entrance, two at the right of the doors and two at the left.”
Kothandaraman said “ Ok we will take care of them.” The team enters in. Sivaprakash said “ They have gun in their hand.”
The team went in kicking the door, they started to shoot, the team defeated them. Michael to Kothandaraman “ You are too fast, where did you learn fighting?”
Kothandaraman said “ Why are you asking the questions for which you already know the answer?”
Michael said “ No, I don’t .”
Irfan came and said “ Enough talking, be focused on action.”
Nisha asked Sivaprakash “ Tell the information about the top floor.”
Sivaprakash said “ Two members, one guy is very fat and the other is slim.”
They went to the top floor and started fighting with them. The fat guy caught Irfan, Redhood took his arrow and bow and hit him on his knee. He fell down, Irfan punched him on his face. The fat guy fell unconscious.
Sivaprakash informed “ Guys the next floor is empty, maybe they are inside some room.” The team started searching every room, they couldn’t find him.
Nisha opened a door, she saw a bomb with countdown going on. She shouted “ Lets get out of this place, it is a trap.”
The team ran out of the building, the second floor blasted. Redhood and team watched it. Nisha said “ He knew that we would come here.”
Redhood asked “ Sivaprakash, Can you locate Pandi’s current place?”
Sivaprakash said “ I am trying, but I am unable to find him.”
 The team went to SCID. Redhood was upset that he was not able to find the person who was trying to kill his girlfriend.
Saravanan came and instructed “ Guys, how was the assignment?”
Irfan said “ It was like a shit.”
Saravanan said “ These cases are very micro level cases, the people we are going to fight are very dangerous than them. You must be patient and never give up on any circumstances.”
Kothandaraman said “ Are you talking about patience?”
Nisha stopped him and said “ What happened? Why are you talking to him like that?”
Kothandaraman said “ First you try to be patient Mr. Saravanan, I saw you turning into a beast while talking with Karthik.”
Saravanan shouted “ Do you know how it feels when we lose someone, I lost few people I cared about, because of that terrorist group. All I need to find those criminals and kill them with my hands.”
Kothandaraman said “ What are you talking about?”
Saravanan said emotionally “ I had a friend named Sandhya, she died in an the terrorist attack, I want to take revenge of her death, not only her I will take revenge for every lives they took.”
The whole team was standing silent and they started to walk in different directions. Saravanan went to his room and took a photo frame in his hand, it was he and Sandhya. He was seeing it.
Kothandaraman was doing exercise in the Gym. Nisha went there and asked “ You were trying to say something, what is that?”
Kothandaraman stopped his exercise and he said “ Actually I hidden something from you.”
Nisha asked “ What is that?”
There was a call from Saravanan and he said “ Everyone come to the main hall.” The team assembled in the main hall.
Nisha asked “ What is the news?”
Saravanan said “ We found some evidence regarding the locations of the terrorist.” Irfan said “ That’s good to hear.”

Friday 12 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 008. - R.Vignesh

Saravanan and Kothandaraman were walking to Karthik’s cell, on the way, they were talking. Saravanan asked “ Why do you hate killing someone?”
Kothandaraman stopped and remained silent for a while. Saravanan looked at him and asked “ What happened, Did I ask anything wrong?”
Kothandaraman said “ I hate it, I have experienced it in my life.”
Saravanan asked “ Are you talking about Rithika and Jyothi?”
Kothandaraman surprised and asked “ How do you know about them?”
Saravanan said “ We are SCID man, we know everything about you.”
Kothandaraman said “ Do Nisha about them?”
Saravanan answered “ She doesn’t , but you have to tell her someday.”
Kothandaraman said “ I will tell her during the right time.”
They reached Karthik’s cell, Karthik said “ Welcome team mates.”
Saravanan went near him and asked “ You said that you will escape before I kill you.”
Karthik laughed louder, Kothandaraman feared and thought “ What happened to this guy, is he mad?”
Karthik said “ I worked here with you for a long time, I know what you will think, I know your plan of letting me escape and catch the remaining terrorists.”
Saravanan and Kothandaraman both shocked, Kothandaraman with his mouth open “ Oh my God, he knows everything.”
Karthik said “ There is no use of keeping me here, better kill me.”
Saravanan with anger on his face took his gun and pointed towards him. Kothandaraman hold his hands and shouted “ What are you doing? Stop it.”
Saravanan shouted “ Keeping him alive is completely waste.”
The gun fell down. Ashkar reached there. He took the gun and asked “ Hey what happened?”
Saravanan walked and took the gun and then moved silently.
Ashkar asked Kothandaraman “ What happened?”
Kothandaraman said “ Nothing.”
Ashkar said “ Nisha called you, come with me.”
Kothandaraman said “ OK”
They walked to the meeting block. There was Nisha, Vignesh and Michael.
Nisha started her speech “ Those who kidnapped me were the men of Giri, the younger brother of Pandi, one of the guys who killed my father, we killed him, but his brother wants to take revenge, we have to find him and put him behind the bars.”
Ashkar said “ Yes.”
Kothandaraman remained silent. Nisha went towards him and asked “ Hey, what happened, looking upset.”
Kothandaraman said “ I want to tell you something.”
One of the member of SCID came and said “ We found the location of Pandi.” The team went there. Vignesh ran fast to the technical room. The other members entered the technical room.
Sivaprakash, the computer engineer and hacker of SCID, said “ We found him by scanning his face, he and his team mates are in Kurla complex.”
Saravanan came there and said “ Guys Vignesh is not coming with you.”
Vignesh said “ Why ?”
Saravanan said “ You have something else to do.”
Nisha said “ Ok team, then we shall move.”
Sivaprakash gave them a devie and said “ Wear this on your ears and listen to the details I say, after going there.” They took it from him.
Ashkar tried to take one, but Sivaprakash didn’t gave to him. Ashkar asked “ Why?”
Sivaprakash said “ It is the order from Saravanan.” Ashkar disappointed. Kothandaraman suited up as the Redhood. The team went to fight Pandi.
Saravanan and Vignesh were talking, Vignesh asked “ Why you didn’t allow me to go with them?” Saravanan replied “ You have some work in Chennai, which is unfinished by Kothandaraman.”
To be continued…..

Wednesday 10 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 007 - R.Vignesh

Karthik was arrested and kept in prison of SCID. The Secret Crime Investigation Department was the most safest place in India. Saravanan went inside the room where Karthik was kept under custody. Karthik was seeing Saravanan angrily and asked “ Are you here for enquiring me?”
Saravanan replied “ No.”
Karthik said “ Then why the hell are you here?”
Saravanan said “ To say that you are going to die tonight.”
Karthik laughed and said “ That wont happen, I will be out of here before that happens, I worked here for many years, I know every place here, I know where the camera is, so it is for me to escape from here.”
Saravanan took his gun and kept on his forehead. Karthik smiled and said “Do you think I will be afraid of dying, we are ready to lose our lives to make this world a better place to live.”
Saravanan said “ I have seen a lots of people saying this dialogue to me, I challenge you that by tonight you will be dead.” He left the room.
Vignesh reached Bangalore. He changed his costume and went to Praveen’s house. He knocked the door. An old lady opened the door.
Vignesh asked “ Is Praveen here?”
Old lady said “ He is not in the town, he went to Germany for his research work.”
Vignesh replied “ Thank you madam, Do you have any contact number of him?”
The old  lady took her phone and gave him Praveen’s number. Vignesh called him. He didn’t pick the call.
Vignesh to the old lady “ Thank you Madam.” He left the place with disappointment.
Kothandaraman  found that they are going to kill Karthik, he went to talk to Saravanan. He saw Michael on the way, Michael stopped him and asked “ Where are you going in a hurry?”
Kothandaraman said “ I want to meet Saravanan.”
Michael said “ He is in block 7.” Kothandaraman went to block 7. Saravanan was searching in internet about the terrorists who were arrested few months ago. Kothandaraman went and asked “ Is killing a person easy for you?”
Saravanan asked “ What are you talking about?”
Kothandaraman said “ Are you going to kill Michael tonight?”
Saravanan said silently in his ears “ It is not true, I lied to him, I know that he has the capability to escape from this place, we trained him, after knowing that I will kill him tonight he will definitely try to escape from this place, we will follow him and find the location of the terrorists.”
Kothandaraman said “ The idea is good, but don’t you think he will be aware of this.”
Saravanan said “ Lets hope for the best.” Kothandaraman moved from there. On the way, Michael came and asked “ Don’t you like killing?”
Kothandaraman said “ Killing is not the right way to provide justice to something.” Michael saw him with a smiling face.
Nisha’s van reached SCID. She came to see Kothandaraman.
Nisha said “ Hey, I am sorry for whatever I did?”
Kothandaraman said “ I don’t need your sorry, I want some answers and truth, actually who are you?”
At Nisha’s home, everyone was very upset about the missing girl. Her brother Karan came to home after searching for her and said “ I searched all the places she is missing.” Nisha’s mother started crying.
Her father Devaraj, with tears in his eyes said “ Shall we give a police complaint?”
Karan said “ yes, we can.” He got a phone call from his friend, he said
“ Your sister is in television.” Then they turned on the tv, it was Nisha she said
 “ They tried to kidnap us, but the Redhood saves us from them.”
Someone knocked the door, Karan opened the door, it was Nisha , they were happy to see her.
Nisha continued her flashback, “ Then you came to me and proposed me, my father saw you proposing me, he asked me about that, I said that I don’t know you, you were just following me. The day you came as Redhood and fought in front of my house, my father saw you removing your mask from his window.”
Devaraj to Nisha “ Do you know who Redhood is?”
Nisha said “ Why are you asking like that dad, I don’t know.”
Devaraj said “ Hmm.” He went from there.
Nisha continued her flashback “ To pay my educational fees, my father started to steal the houses with the help of some local gangsters, but you were always a trouble for him, he was very angry on you, at that time I didn’t know that you were Redhood and he was a thief.”
Devaraj asked “ Are you in friendship with that guy Kothandaraman?”
Nisha said “ No dad why?”
Devaraj said “ Never ever talk to him, your life will be in risk.”
Nisha said “ Why dad, what happened?”
Devaraj said “ He is the redhood.”
Suddenly, police came into their house and arrested Devaraj. His team mates decided to help themselves to escape from the police, so they created an accident and killed Devaraj.
Nisha continued “ My brother worked for SCID, he too knows that you are Redhood, my father said to him too. He said that nation is under threat, they needed your help. I was not interested to involve you in this, all I wanted is live ahappy life with you, one day my brother died in a blast. I got Job in SCID, I saw many people die in that attacks by terrorist, so decided to include you in the team too.”
Kothandaraman with slight tears asked “ Who were the guys kidnapped you?”
Nisha said “ Me and my brother decided to take revenge on my father’s death, so we killed the gangsters who killed our father, but we failed, so they are trying to kill me.”
Suddenly, Vignesh reached the SCID and said “ Sorry guys, Praveen is out of town, sorry, out of country, and Nisha I heard that they are trying to kill you, lets take the revenge as a team.”
Kothandaraman said “ But before that we have to fight the terrorists.”.
Saravanan said “ Vignesh is right, we must learn to fight with unity, so this will be a warm up for us.”
Vignesh said “That’s nice to hear.”
Kothandaraman said “ I will do anything for my love.”
Ashkar comes in and said “ Don’t forget me, I am also a part of the team.”
Nisha said “ Ashkar, you cant participate without training.”
Ashkar became sad and said “ Oh no.”
     To be continued....

Saturday 6 May 2017

SQUAD chapter 006 - Vignesh.R

Kothandaraman traces Nisha’s location with the help of  Nithya, who is a science student doing research on tracking a person’s location with the help of their blood. Nisha has donated blood to the bloodbank which was ran by Nithya’s father. Kothandaraman reached the location. He walked towards a building which is half constructed and said “ I reached the location .”
On the call, it was Vinoth. He informed him the location where she might be. The Redhood entered in. a group of people came with guns in their hands. He used his sword to fight with them, he walked in after injuring every members at the entrance.  Suddenly tow members came with gun, he attacked them too. He ran towards a room.
Vignesh the speedgod, was waiting outside. He was instructed by Saravanan to bring the Redhood with him.
Redhood found Nisha. She was excited to see him. Suddenly a group of gangsters surrounded them. Redhood tried to take  his sword. They shooted at them. Suddenly, there was a miracle. The world started moving slowly. It was the Speed God, he caught all the bullets and took the guns from their hands. The gangsters were surprised to see another masked guy with such a speed.
Redhood surprised and asked “ You are Speedgod right?”
Speed God said “ Yup.” He and the Redhood started fighting with the gangsters in the room. They opened the tied hands of Nisha and Irfan. Vignesh said
“ A van will be waiting for you both outside the building.”
Nisha said “ I am not leaving the Redhood alone here.”
Redhood shouted while fighting “ No need to worry, I know to take care of myself. I don’t want to see you again. Just get out of this place.”
Nisha with tears on her eyes left the place. Speed God and Redhood together finished the work. Redhood said “ I am your fan Speed God.”
Speed God removed his mask and said “ I am Vignesh, I am also your fan Kothandaraman.”
Kothandaraman surprised and removed his mask and said “ You know my identity.” Vignesh said “ I work with SCID, we need you to come along with us.”
Kothandaraman said “ What if I reject to come?”
        Vignesh said “ I will force you to come with me.”
Kothandaraman took his sword and said “ Then, lets have a fight, defeat me and take me with you.”
Vignesh said “ Do you think you can stop me?”
Vignesh ran fast and hit him on the face. Redhood took his sword and
attacked Vignesh’s leg. He stopped.
Kothandaraman smiled “ How is it?”
Vignesh ran fast and tied him ,took him along with him to a hospital. Outside the hospital, they he set him free. Vignesh said “ You are in Mumbai, you have to visit the people inside this hospital.”
Vignesh and Kothandaraman entered the hospital. Saravanan was inside, he said “ Welcome Redhood, I am Saravanan of SCID.” Kothandaraman saw many people suffering from serious injury. He asked “ What happened to them?”
Saravanan said “ They are the people who were present at the location where the bomb blast was held.”
Kothandaraman eyes had tears which was almost to fall on ground.
Saravanan  said “ The organization responsible for these attacks are planning for an attack bigger than this, we need your help to save our country.”
Kothandaraman said “ I am in.”
Vignesh happily said “ Is the team ready?”
Saravanan said “ No, not yet, we found that there is a boy at Bangalore named Praveen, he can play with minds. We need him in our team.”
Vignesh said “ I will bring him for you.” Vignesh ran fast.
Kothandaraman asked “ Can I talk to Nisha?”
Saravanan said “ She is on her way to Mumbai, once she reaches you can talk to her.”
Kothandaraman saw a little girl fully injured, it reminded something in his past. He called Vinoth and said “ I have some work in Mumbai, take care of her.”
Vinoth answered “ Yes.”

Friday 5 May 2017

SQUAD Chapter 005 - Vignesh.R

The cops arrested Nisha and Irfan. They both were taken in a police van to some place. Both Nisha and Irfan had no idea of what was going on. There were four guards with them. Nisha and Irfan’s hand was in the handcuffs. The driver was going too fast, suddenly a lorry came and hit the police van. The police van fell down from the bridge. People inside the van were injured. A group of people with guns in their hands. They went near the van. They found Nisha and Irfan completely injured and they took them.
Saravanan sitting in a sofa started to explain Vignesh what was happening in the city. Saravanan with a sad slow voice “Mr. Vignesh, we are called as SCID, secret crime investigation department, I am Saravanan, chief investigator and these guys are the agents, we work together for the safety of the people.” Vignesh believed him.
Ashkar asked “ Why you want us to help you?”
Saravanan answered “ Because the person whom we are going to fight against is very dangerous.” Vignesh and Ashkar’s face changed, suddenly Saravanan received a call. He attended it. In call “ Sir, our agents Nisha and Irfan is missing.”
Saravanan kept the call with a slight upset. Vignesh watched that and asked “ What happened?”
Saravanan said “ Two of our agents got kidnapped.”
Ashkar said “ Can we help you to find them?”  He was eager to work with the team. Saravanan refused shaking his heads. Ashkar asked “ Why what happened?”
Saravanan said “ We have some other business in Mumbai.” He ordered the agents to inform this news to Redhood. Saravanan said “ Inform this news to Redhood, he will definitely help Nisha.”
Vignesh asked “ Is Redhood working with you? I want to see him. I am his fan.”
Ashkar said “ Yeah me too.”
Saravanan replied “ Not now, this is not the right time.” Saravanan wore his shoe and said “ Come along with me.”
Kothandaraman was sleeping in his bed with tears in his eyes. He thought the girl whom he loved, betrayed him.
At Chennai, Kothandaraman was studying twelth in  St.Lucius matriculation school, his friend Vinoth was also studying with him. They both were always together. Their life was fully funfilled in the daytime like playing Cricket, roaming with friends, dating girls etc. But at the night, they were helping people as Redhood. They were saving the people of Kolathur from the local Don, Kathiresan.
Kathiresan and his four men planned to kidnap three girls for illegal activities. They went near a ladies hostel of an IT company. They saw tow girls returning from their job.
Kathiresan said to his men “ We have only two here, we need one more, you take care of these two, me and Esakki will search for another girl.”
Kathiresan and Esakki went to a colony. There lots of children were playing. Nisha was sitting in a chair texting with friends. Kathiresan to Esakki        “ What about that girl?”
Esakki said “ She looks younger, she might be a school girl.”
Kathiresan said “ They have a good market value.”
They waited for a long time so that the crowd gets cleared. Nisha was alone sitting in the colony park. The watchman came and asked “ Time to close, what are you doing alone?”
Nisha replied “ I am waiting for my father.” The watchman leaves the park. Kathiresan and Esakki went near to Nisha. She got frightened. They kept the hands on her, she started shouting “ Leave me, somebody help.”
She hit them with a big stone which she took from the ground. She started running, they chased her. It was completely dark in the street. She was running and they were chasing. Other men of the gang joined them. Finally they catched her. A sword came from somewhere and cut the hand which was holding Nisha, another sword came and cut the another hand of him. He started shouting.
Kathiresan shouted “ Hey you Redhood, come in front of me and fight with me.” Suddenly, an arrow entered into Esakki’s leg, he shouted, Redhood was standing behind Kathiresan. He turned around with fear. He took his knife with fear and started to fight with Redhood. He , the Redhood was well trained.
Redhood while fighting “ Do you think you can defeat me?”
Kathiresan accepted his defeat and surrendered himself. The police came and arrested them. The Redhood was watching all these from the top of the building. Suddenly , he saw Nisha, he fell in love with her.
Nisha was dropped by the police in her house at Sastri Nagar, Redhood followed her and found her house.
Nisha was going to buy milk. Kothandaraman and Vinoth were standing near the shop eating Idly. Nisha came near the shop and was standing the line to buy milk. An old lady asked to Vinoth “ The Idly shop is two shops away from here, why are you eating the Idly here?”
Vinoth said “ You old lady,  I am a cancer patient, my doctor said that if I eat Idly near the milk shop, I will get cured.”
The old lady surprised and asked “ What else did the Doctor say?”
Vinoth said “ If anybody asks more than two questions to me, they will also get cancer.” The old lady walks silently from there. Nisha bought the milk and was walking in the street, Kothandaraman was following her. She found out that he was following her. Vinoth to Kothandaraman “ I think she found out that you are following her.”
Nisha came towards them and asked “ Who are you both and why are you following me?” Kothandaraman with a cute smile and innocent look in his face “ Actually Nisha..” Nisha broke and asked “ How do you know my name?”
They didn’t know what to answer. Suddenly Kothandaraman got an idea and said “ Yesterday, I saw it on News.” Nish was little upset after hearing that. She started walking. They followed her. Nisha stopped and asked “ What do you want now?”
Kothandaraman proposed her “ I love you, that’s it.”
Nisha surprised and asked “ But.. But.. What do you know about me? How can you love an unknown girl?
Kothandaraman replied energetically “ Why not, when I was born, at the first second, I didn’t know what is the meaning of mother, but from the first second I saw her eyes I loved her. After 17 years, the same reaction took place in my eyes and heart when I saw you. That means I am in love with you. Love at first sight is pure as the love of a child who see his mother for the first time.”
Vinoth was shocked to see his friend speaking this amazing dialogues. Nisha saod “ I am impressed with your answer, but I am in love with another person.”
Vinoth ran way from that place shouting “ Kothandaraman TATA.”
Kothandaraman asked “ May I know whom you love?”
Nisha said “ Why should I say that to you?”
Kothandaraman said with sadness on his face “ Just to know, how far he is better than me.”
Nisha said “ He is far better than you, not only you also from everyone in this planet. The redhood, I love him.”
Kothandaraman felt happy from innerside, but he doesn’t show that in his face. He went from that place without speaking a single word. After leaving the street, he started like a mad boy.
The Maths teacher just left the class.  Kothandaraman and his gang was discussing what to do next.
Nithin said “ Why don’t you tell her that you are the Redhood?”
Vinoth said “ That doesn’t seems right.”
Nithya said “ You are a superhero Kothandaraman, most of the girls love you as Redhood, the same way she is also loving you, our classmate Meenakshi loves you as a Redhood because you help people, but she knows that she cant marry redhood so she is loving Kaushik , her area guy.The same way, Nisha can also love you.”
Kothandaraman said “ I don’t know how I am going to impress her?”
Priya said “  I have an idea.”
Nithin asked “ What idea?”
Priya said “ Kidnap.”
Nisha was drinking coffee in the shop. She saw Kothandaraman and his friend Nithin running and coming towards her.
Kothandaraman shouted “ Nisha, we need your help. The local gangsters kidnapped my friends. Please ask your boyfriend Redhood to help us.”
Nisha said “ What ? How could I ? I know him but he doesn’t know me.”
Kothandaraman said “ You said that you love him.”
Nisha said “ You idiot, you only said love at first sight is pure, my love also came from first sight. I love him and tonight I am going to propose him.”
Nithin said “ Then who will save my friends from the gangsters?”
Nisha said “ Tonight while proposing Redhood, I will talk about it.”
Kothandaraman said “ Are we waiting for lunch token or what, we are here to ask help from a person whom the Chennai city thinks as the hero.”
Nisha answered angrily “ Not only you, there are lots of people who needs his help, he have helped a lots, he will also rescue your friends.”
Nisha left that place. Nithin went near the ears of Kothandaraman and said
“ What are you going to do next?”
Kothandaraman said “ Tonight there will be fight opposite to Nisha’s home.” Nithin in doubt asked “ Who is going to fight with you?”
Kothandaraman said “ Call our team.”
Nisha was sitting near the window and reading book. She heard sound of a fight. She looked through the window. Her mouths opened. It was Redhood fighting with four masked guys. They were Vinoth, Nithin, Nithya and Priya. But Nisha had no idea, she thought it was a real fight.
Kothandaraman caught Nithya’s hand and asked “ Where are the people you kidnapped?”
Nithya with pain shouted “Ask to our leader?” She pointed Nithin. Nithin’s mindvoice was “ Come to school tomorrow, I will put sand in your sandwich.”
The Redhood ran towards Nithin and punched him on the face. Nithin shouted “ I don’t know, I work for money, ask that lady?” He pointed Priya. She tried to point Vinoth, immediately Vinoth knelt down and said “ I am finished,I surrender.”
Priya said “ Yes yes, we will release them.” They all ran from the place.
Redhood was walking on the street to reach his bike. Nisha shouted from the back,
“ Sir, please wait, sir”. Redhood stopped.
Redhood with bold voice “ Who are you, what do you want?”
Nisha said politely “ Sir, I am Nisha, one of the girls you saved two nights before. Thank you.”
Redhood said “ Welcome, anything else?”
Nisha said “ Nothing Sir. I just wanted to thank you, that’s all. Bye sir. You are like a God to me.”
Kothandaraman was little upset from in and he was thinking “ Why she didn’t propose me, whether she loves me as Kothandaraman or she just wants to ignore love from her life. Anyway I will love Nisha.”
Redhood took his bike and left the place.
The next morning at the classroom, Vinoth and Nithin were sitting near to KothandaRaman.
Kothandaraman said “ She doesn’t proposed me.”
Vinoth asked “ Why?”
Kothandaraman said “ I don’t know.”
Nithin said “ Only a girl knows about a girl, wait I will ask Priya.”
Nithin called Priya by throwing a piece of paper on her. Priya from her bench asked “ What?”
Nithin said “ Open the paper which I thrown.”
She opened the paper and read “ She doesn’t propose him.”
Priya said “ We will talk about this later.”
At lunch break, Kothandaraman, Vinoth, Nithin, Priya and Nithya were having lunch together.
Priya said “ I think she is in love with you.”
Nithin said “ How do you say that?”
Nithya said “ She got an opportunity to meet Redhood, the person who saved her and yet she she doesn’t propose him.”
Kothandaraman said “ Maybe she was afraid to propose me.”
Vinoth asked “ Why she would be afraid of you?”
Kothandaraman answered “ I am Redhood, there is no guaranteed life for me, I may be killed by someone someday, so she may be afraid of her future.”
Priya said “ Do you remember the way you proposed her as Kothandaraman? You compared her with your mother. That attracts every women, she might have impressed, she may be in love with you.”
Nithin said “ Yes, she talked about that when we went to see her at the cafeteria.”
Kothandaraman said “ She may choose Kothandaraman instead of Redhood, because life with Redhood is impossible, I must stop being the Redhood.”
Each of his friends shocked. Vinoth shouted “ You idiot, you are giving up your city for just a girl.”
Nithya said “ You are under confusion, if you love her truly, just go and propose her and tell her the truth who you are, if you are willing to.”
Everyone agreed with Nithya’s point. Nithin said “ She is one of us, so if we know your secret,then she must also know your secret.”
Nisha was waiting outside to see Kothandaraman. His friends asked him to talk to her. Nisha and Kothandaraman were walking together. They were waiting how to start the conversation.
Nisha said “ I want to tell you something.”
Kothandaraman smiled and said “ Yeah.”
She asked “ Are your friends who were kidnapped are safe?”
He answered “ yeah , they were saved by your boyfriend.”
She said “ lol, He is not my boyfriend, he is a God to me,that’s all, I will pray him, worship him, but how can I marry a god who protects people.”
His face turned sad and said “ Don’t you like him?”
She said “I like him, but not as life partner,  I would have proposed him, if you haven’t proposed me, even though if I proposed him, he would have rejected me, the way you proposed me was awesome, I discussed about your proposal with my mother, she said you are the best kind of human, she asked me to keep an eye on you, I spied you, you are a good human by heart, I know about your friends, Nithin, Vinoth, Nithya and Priya. So I thought to accept your proposal. I love you.”
He said “ Nothing enetered into my ears, all I understood is you love me.”
She smiled and said “ Yes, I love you. And I brought your favourite ice cream with me for you.” He took that cake and asked “ How do you know it?”
She said “ I already said I spied on you.” He said “ You are a good spy, you must become a police officer.” Nisha smiled.
Kothandaraman received a call from Vinoth. He attended it, Vinoth on phone “ What she said?”
Kothandaraman said “ She accepted my proposal and I am not going to tell her that I am redood.” He cuts the phone. Nisha asked “ I know your life only till the evening, I don’t know how you spend your nights.”
Kothandaraman said with a smiling face “ Do you want to know that?”
Nisha laughs. They both started laughing.
Kothandaraman woke up from his bed. He got 24 missed calls from Vinoth. He opened the door. He saw Vinoth sleeping on the entrance. He woke him up and asked “ What happened, why are you sleeping here?”
Vinoth said “ What , was I sleeping? Oh no, yesterday night I got a message that someone kidnapped Nisha and her team mate. We have to save her.”
Kothandaraman said “ This might be another plan to make confirm that I am the Redhood or not.”
Vinoth said “ She is not a criminal, she is a spy, working for SCID, she has been kidnapped by some anti national group. The inspector Govind who arrested them works for that anti nationalist group, yesterday night I enquired hima sthe redhood to collect the information. Nisha is in serious trouble.”
Kothandaraman said “ ok I will help you finding her, not as her lover, as a redhood.”
Vinoth said “ OK, I will track her location with the help of  Nithya.”
Kothandaraman said “ I will get ready for the fight.”
He goes to his room, Vinoth leaves the place. Kothandaraman took his weapons with him.
He took his bike and went in search of Nisha.