Saturday 20 August 2016

Sipet squad episode 22: war

  Sipet squad s1 e22
Pls read the previous episodes before reading this .
    The whole chennai was looking like a battlefield. The humanimals were brought into action by Sankar.
      Akash took the medicines with him. Sylvester " wait I will also join you "
    Vastsa " me too "
  The three men took a gun and medicine with them to stop the humanimals.
    Akash called the junior military squad members to save Chennai.
    Rahul got caught in a house which caught fire . His family was shouting from outside . His father " please god save my son"
     Vignesh who was running by that way saved Rahul. He gave him to his parents.
     Ajeeth was killing Sankar men who tried to kill the people of his place. Killing the terrorists was easy, but the humanimals were different.
     Askar called Vignesh " did you see Sankar?"
    Vignesh " no I m on the way"
   Finally Vignesh reached the tower. Inside the tower it was full of explosives. There was no Sankar. Jai was standing with a remote in his hand.
   Jai " my master said that you will be coming here ."
    By saying that , he touched the remote button. Vignesh ran faster from there .The whole building just exploded.
    Kothu , the redhood, was fighting with the humanimals. His red arrow were not able to stop them. Akash came with the medicine , shot the humanimal with that.
   Akash to Kothu " they are humanimals and can be cured only by this "
    The humanimal says " pls save my family from them."
   Akash informs the junior squad to rescue their families. The squad of almost 200 members were in the city. They started searching for their family.
     Akash to Kothu " take this medicine with u , this will be helpful "
    A humanimal was troubling Meena and her friends. Praveen came and started to fight with it. But he was not able to stop it.
     Vastsa from the back injected the medicine to it. Praveen " thanks" Vastsa " its ok" Vastsa voice was changing. Praveen touched him and asked " what's happening ?"
     Vastsa " you all just go away from here"
   Praveen took Meena and her friends away. Vastsa was turning into wolf. Vastsa called Sylvester . Vastsa " sylvester there is no effect of medicine on me".  
      Sylvester " what. But it is working on others "
      Vastsa completely changed into wolf.
    Still the fight was going on. Sankar was watching all these incidents by hacking all the city cameras. He was in the underground.
           To be continued.......

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