Tuesday 16 August 2016

Sipet squad episode 15: Great villain Sankar arrives.

Sipet squad s1 e15
Starring Kaushik,Praveen, Kothu, Sankar & Vinoth.
Pls read the previous episodes before reading this.
        ( Villivakam)
Kaushik was packing his bag. Praveen opens the door . after seeing Kaushik, Praveen asks " where are you going ?"
   Kaushik " I planned to spend few days in United kingdom"
   Praveen " but from tomorrow our college starts"
  Kaushik " I will be back soon"
Praveen thinks about the past.
     (During 10th, 2 years ago)
  Praveen runs and comes to Kaushik's home . Praveen shouts " kaushik I have something to tell"
   Suddenly , Kaushik hides a photo behind him. Praveen asks " show me what are you hiding from me  "
    Kaushik shows the photo of the participants of the quiz competition.
   Praveen " oh you were looking at Meena"
   Kaushik " my mind is full of Meena. I want to see her. And you said that you want to tell something."
  Praveen " yes yes, I m able read the mind of others "
  Kaushik shockingly replies " how is it possible?"
          (Today- Rettery island )
   Kothu was sitting alone in his house . Vinoth comes and asks " are you thinking about Nisha?"
    Kothu " no, I spoke to Kaushik. He asked me about Meena"
   Vinoth " Did you tell him the truth ?"
   Kothu "'No. How would I ?"
  Vinoth " are you ready for the college"
   Kothu " yes tonight I will be packing my clothes."
           (Sankar's place)
   Sankar was preparing huge bombs with the help of his men and few people from the science department.
   One of his man comes and says, " sir Edward has come to see you"
   Sankar " call him" Edward comes.
   Edward " the humanimals still have their own mind. They won't listen to us"
   Sankar " so you are saying that I can't rule chennai. I can't make chennai a better place to live. You just leave this place. I know what to do."
     To be continued..........

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