Saturday 3 September 2016

Superboy season episode2

Superboy s1 e2
Pls read the previous episode before reading this.
 Rehman presses the alert button.
Rehman " sir you go , I will take care of them "
  Stephen leaves the place. Balaji, Mohan and Gurukal comes with a gun. They started to threaten the scientists.
    Balaji " if you move we will shoot u "
  The British police officers arrived and they tried to enter in. Mohan thrown a bomb at them.
   Mohan " finish "
 The scientists got afraid . Balaji asked Rehman to open all the doors. He starts opening all the doors.
   They took everyone with them.
   Stephen meets the British general Nelson.
  Stephen " Sir there was a problem. Three Indians failed our experiment"
  Nelson " who are they ?"
 Stephen " I don't know. They were three. Three mad people "
  Nelson " take me to the laboratory"
  Stephen " ok sir"
    The British officials ordered to check all the vehicles. They were checking the vehicles .
   Gurukal " they are checking the vehicles what shall we do now?"
   Balaji " let's wait "
  Ganesh starts moving. Mohan sees that.
  Mohan " this guy is moving "
 Ganesh wakes up. Ganesh " who u all are?,where am I ?"
   Balaji " I m Balaji, he is Gurukal, he Mohan. We saved you from them"
  Ganesh " oh thanks. I feel something different in me"
  The cops came to their vehicles. Cop shouted " they are here"
   Balaji started fighting with him. Ganesh hits him. The cop was injured and started bleeding. Ganesh was more powerful. They shocks after seeing him. Ganesh starts fighting with cops and he throws them in every corner.
     The fight concludes. Mohan to Ganesh " wow a great fight"
   Ganesh " thanks I was a boxer"
  Balaji " let's move we have lots of work to do"
  Rehman says " sir weapon 23 was in action today at the highways"
   Nelson smiles and sees the resisting device.
        To be continued.........

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