Tuesday 6 September 2016

Superboy season 1 episode 3

Superboy s1 e3
Pls read the previous episodes before reading this.
   Balaji and his men took Ganesh to TVK city. Nandakumar , the head of the youngsters, who fight for the freedom came to meet Ganesh.
    A conversation was being held between them.
  Nanda " hello I m Nandakumar. The leader of youth organization"
  Ganesh "hello I m Ganesh"
 Nanda "Gurukal said that you are an experiment of the British "
   Ganesh " no. I m human"
  Nanda " ok we are conducting a protest against the British products , we want you to join us"
  Ganesh " oh. Of course "
 Nanda leaves from there. Balaji comes in and calls Ganesh to come with him.
  Ganesh and Balaji were walking through the forest road. They had a chat there. While chatting , Balaji asked about the past
  Ganesh " my family was killed by the general Leo. Then, I was brought here for the experiment"
  The thief group of the forest came to attack them. But , Ganesh alone defeated them all. Balaji was impressed with the fight.
        (British colony )
  An army was getting ready to attack the Kolathur city. This was led by Nelson.
  Nelson " Kids. Are you ready for the fight?"
 The crowd shouted " yes"
              (Tvk city)
  The protest was going on. The British goods were being fired.
   Miss. Abirami was giving a speech against the British . Ganesh saw her. He called Mohan who was busy firing the goods.
   Ganesh " who is she?"
  Mohan " she is Abirami. Daughter of master Rajavelu"
   Ganesh was in love with her. Nanda came with an information to meet the people. Nanda " people , listen to me, the British army is coming. We will have to stop them"
   The people of Tvk took the weapon with them. The explosives were kept ready.
  The British army was marching towards them. Nanda was leading the side. Ganesh and Balaji was standing with them.
    Nelson was with the resisting device.
         To be continued........

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