Thursday 8 September 2016

Superboy season 1 episode 4

Superboy s1 e4
   The British officers and the Indians were in their position. Nanda " come on let's begin the fight"
  The fight just began between them. It was full of bullet sounds.
  Mohan was throwing bombs at the British vehicle. Gurukal was shooting them.
   Balaji was busy fighting the cops who worked for British. Nanda was instructing everyone from one end and fighting at the other end.
   Ganesh was smashing everyone with his superpowers. Finally, he met Nelson.
  Nelson " hello superweapon"
   Ganesh " I m not your weapon"
  Nelson " yes you are not now "
  Nelson took the resisting device and used it. Ganesh went weak.
  Ganesh " what the hell is this?"
  Nelson " I said that you won't be my weapon from now"
  Ganesh " stop it" Ganesh shouts .
  Nelson takes a gun to kill him " good night ganesh " says nelson. He tries to kill him. Nanda from back shoots Nelson. Nelson dies. Nanda " good night nelson"
    Nanda carries Ganesh with him. Abirami comes in the middle.
  Abirami " what happened to him?"
  Nanda " he is completely tired take care of him "
  Nanda went for the fight.
  After few hours , the fight was completed. Everyone was taking care of the injured people.
      (Rettery city-1942)
  Monish Kumar, a scientist from pamal village was working in the henry labs. He was working in a model. His project was about teleportation. He was explaining it to the other scientists.
   Monish " this is all about transferring one object from one place to another"
  Scientist 1 " is your project in working condition "
  Monish " no it has some tests to undergo"
  Scientist2 " ok come and meet us after confirming your theory"
    The scientists left the laboratory. Monish becomes upset. His friend Noobie comes towards him and says " don't worry Monish. Everything will be alright"
  Monish gives a smile. Monish " we are going to test this device now"
      To be continued........

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